Howdy madfingers,
There could be several reasons you received this particular
error message, and no, it is not because someone used some
naughty words in their email.
From a Mail Archive website posting, we can see that it could be
because of the format of the email, which could of been something
such as an unusual format (an email from outside the US perhaps)
that the mail server didn't like. The original email could have
been corrupted (had some incorrectly formatted content) as well.
"Remote host said: 579 message content is not acceptable here
this error likely means that your e-mail is sending something
other than plain text, like html, or rtf."
It could be that your ISP is filtering email from certain places
in order to prevent SPAM, etc. From a Stalker Software website
message area.
"Oops! I thought it was always *, that probably
explains a complaint I got a few days ago from a client saying
someone from hotmail was being bounced with "message content
is not acceptable here" as I have "HELO" in
CommuniGate Pro's RFC822 Receiver 'Banner Header Lines' filter...
I'd better get it out ..."
Translated into English, the above person is stating they set
an email filter to something (incorrectly in their case) and
their email server then rejected some email.
Similarly, from a message area.
"Diagnostic-Code: smtp;579 message content is not acceptable here
We have figured out the email problem. When we upgraded the server
a few days ago we has a misconfigured setting that had blocked
some emails."
Your ISP could be filtering to try to prevent viruses from getting
through to the users. From a Yahoo message group message, heavily
edited for readability.
"prolly somebody else has the klez virus
The following addresses had permanent fatal errors
(reason: 579 message content is not acceptable here)"
There can be reverse DNS, etc. issues, which would mean that the
sender's ISP has things set up incorrectly. The sender's email
program could be setup in such an unusual way that there is some
header information that is not being sent, and that your ISP's
email server requires. And so on, technauseum...
You could try having the person who sent the original email to
you try sending it again, first to your email address,
then to another email account, such as a free Yahoo email account,
and see if the problem is specific to your ISP or this person's
email. You could have this person send you a text only message,
with no custom formatting, etc.
Ultimately, would be the only one that might be able
to tell you specifically why the email got rejected. You can
contact their support through the following web page, and you
should provide the source email address as part of the report.
If you need any clarification, feel free to ask.
Search Strategy:
Personal experience from owning/running an ISP, plus...
Google search on: "message content is not acceptable here"
Looking Forward, denco-ga |