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Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
Category: Family and Home > Families Asked by: buncic-ga List Price: $30.00 |
01 Oct 2003 04:35 PDT
Expires: 31 Oct 2003 03:35 PST Question ID: 261804 |
In 1645, Ivan Uzhevych dedicated his Ruthenian grammar to a French family. This dedication on fol. 5 of the manuscript consists of the family's coat of arms and a Ruthenian poem of six lines in Cyrillic script, titled "To the coat of arms of the lords Bryhaller". The manuscript was written in France, as Uzhevych was a student of theology in Paris and the manuscript is now kept in the city library of Arras. Therefore this name has to be interpreted as the French name Brigallier (or maybe Brigallère or something like that). The coat of arms shows a hedgehog in the main field and two crescents above it. The motto above the coat of arms is given as "Zblizka i Zdaleka", which would have to be retranslated as "De Proche et Loin", i.e. 'From Near and Far'. You can have a look at the coat of arms on a facsimile of the page: 1. Hramatyka slov-jans'ka I. Uzevyca. Edited by I.K. Bilodid and Je.M. Kudryc'kyj. Kyjiv 1970, p.5/2. 2. Jaskevic, A.A. Starabelaruskija hramatyki: Da prablemy ahul'nafilalahicnaj celasnasci. Minsk 1996, p.264. 3. http://starbel.narod.ru/uzh/uzh02.jpg [be patient]. We know very little about Uzhevych. Therefore I hope to find out more about him through this family he dedicated his manuscript to. Probably they had helped him finance his studies. I would like to know as much as possible about them: - Who were they? - Where did they live in the 1640s? - Do they have any connection to Arras? - Did they have anything to do with Poland-Lithuania? - Where can I get more information about them? There is no hurry, and if you cannot answer all these questions, I am happy about any little piece of information you can give me. | |
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Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
Answered By: leli-ga on 17 Oct 2003 04:46 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Yes - I think this priest, Abbé Brigalier, must have met many important people in France during the reign of Louis XIV. However, he may have been known at court in the 1650s rather than the 1640s. Anyway, I hope some of this will provide you with useful leads. The facts are scarce, coming from just two sources, but tantalising. One source is Ségrais (1624-1701), a figure at court as well as writer and Académicien. His anecdotes were published posthumously in 1721. The other is a collection of documents from the Bastille in 1681, relating to the notorious poisoning (and witchcraft) trials. Brigalier was chaplain to Anne-Marie Louise d'Orléans (1627-1693), Duchesse de Montpensier and cousin of the King . She was often known as "la Grande Mademoiselle" or even just Mademoiselle, which made me slow to realise who was being mentioned. She was very serious about religion, and at one time considered becoming a nun. However, Brigalier's "fame" comes not from the church, but from his magic. Ségrais writes about his ability to fool the credulous with conjuring tricks, but by 1681 he is cited as someone who taught others how to make pacts with the devil and sacrifice three-year-old children! Ségrais' version was taken up by Corneille, who quoted his entire description of Brigalier's magic tricks as an illustration of how credulous people were in the seventeenth century. Brigalier had performed a trick with coloured cloths, which made Madame de Montauban beg him to show his magic to her and le Comte des Chapelles. He answered that she must know he was no longer able to make use of his talents, as the Archbishop of Paris had threatened to ban (interdire) him if he continued. Despite the Comte's assurances that he wouldn't tell a soul, Brigalier insisted he must excuse himself because of the "grand danger" he would expose himself to by agreeing. Eventually he was persuaded to try to comfort Mlle de Vermisson by resuscitating her pet sparrow, which had just died. The whole thing is described as a ruse, with details of how the trick was managed, including cooperation from some nearby nuns. Later the Comte can't resist telling the story while at supper with the king. Ségrais then recounts another showy piece of magic which deceived the Queen. Next we are told how the Abbé convinced a group of people in Lyon that he was bringing the devil to life, in a trick involving a beggar-boy hiding behind a painting. The earlier events took place while the court was at Compiègne, north-east of Paris. Brigalier is said to have died not long after Mademoiselle (1693). Perhaps it's hardly surprising that in 1681 Brigalier/Brigallier is cited in evidence in witchcraft (?) proceedings against la Joly (later burnt). He is said to have taught people to make agreements with the devil, and more alarmingly, to sacrifice children. You may particularly want to see two footnotes. One comments on how badly advised la Grande Mademoiselle was, as she had a poisoner for a doctor, and a satanist for a chaplain. This must have been Lauzun's work, says the comment. (Lauzun was famous as lover, and perhaps husband, of Mademoiselle.) The other footnote dates Brigalier's involvement in the sacrifice to 1650. 1650 may indeed be a time when people were taking notice of Abbé Brigalier. Ségrais was certainly around at court at that period, as a trusted literary acquaintance of Anne-Marie's: "En 1656, Mademoiselle confie à Segrais une uvre collective" http://www.zenor.com/bourbonsmag/mag4/23mademoiselle.html There would be a lot of historical research to do, to take this further, but I hope you find the court connection helpful in tracking down some more information on the eccentric Abbé. ====== The books are: Auteur(s) : Ségrais, Jean Regnault de (1624-1701) Titre(s) : Segraisiana [Première partie] ou melange d'histoire et de litterature. Recueilli des entretiens de monsieur de Ségrais de l'Academie françoise. [Texte imprimé][Deuxième partie] Les Eglogues et l'Amour gueri par le temps, tragedie-ballet du même auteur, non imprimée. Ensemble. [Troisième partie] La Rélation de l'isle imaginaire & l'histoire de la princesse de Paphlagonie, imprimées en 1646. par l'ordre de Mademoiselle. Publication : A Paris, par la compagnie des libraires associés. M. DCC XXI. Editeur : Le Clerc, Nicolas (1655?-1742?) The Brigalier anecdote runs from page 46 - 56. Titre(s) : Règne de Louis XIV (1681 et 1665 à 1674) [Document électronique] / documents inédits recueillis et publiés par François Ravaisson,... Titre d'ensemble : Archives de la Bastille ; 7 Lien au titre d'ensemble : Archives de la Bastille Type de ressource électronique : Données textuelles Publication : 1995 Description matérielle : 516 p. Reproduction : Num. BNF de l'éd. de Paris : A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1874. in-8 ° Autre(s) auteur(s) : Ravaisson-Mollien, François (1811-1884). Éditeur scientifique "Proces-verbal de question de la Joly" begins on page 64. Brigallier appears again on page 67. "BRIGALLIER, aumônier de Mademoiselle, enseigne à faire des traités avec le diable, 64; sacrifie un enfant pour le mariage de la dame de Saint-Laurens, 67" Corneille's book is catalogued like this: Auteur(s) : Taschereau, Jules-Antoine Titre(s) : Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de P. Corneille [Document électronique] / par M. J. Taschereau Titre d'ensemble : Oeuvres complètes / de J. Taschereau The title page says: Oeuvres Completes de P. Corneille The Brigalier part starts on page 289, in the notes to the first book, which covers the period up to 1653. The table of contents says "Crédulité superstitieuse du siècle de Corneille. - L'abbé Brigalier. - Tours à l'aide desquels il se fait passer pour sorcier." To get to the Corneille and the Archives de la Bastille, you need to search for "brigal*" at: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ A separate search is needed for "Ségrais". You'll see the first search also produces a reference to two 16c Brigaliers at the University of Paris, being sworn in for something (?), but unfortunately the entry in the "table des matières" doesn't have a page number, and I didn't have any luck with guessing where to look amongst the nearly 1000 pages. The Brigaliers are in the index at the end of the book, but again without a number. "Franciscus Brigalier Parisinus Iuratus an. 1596. item Ioan. Brigalier Paris. " Pity that, even if they were young students in 1596, there's only a small chance of their having met Uzhevych. from: Auteur(s) : Du Boulay, César Egasse Titre(s) : Historia Universitatis Parisiensis Perhaps you'll fight your way through 1000 pages of Latin to see if there's anything interesting to be found? ====== I'll pass on the other things I met along the way, in case they're of any use. At the Archive Nationales there are 8 records of Brigalier business dealings in 1551. Here's a sample: Date : 1551 juin 19 Fonds : MC Cote : ET/LXXXVI/028 Nature : rente, transport Numéro : 014823 Objet : MAISON Lieu : ORLEANS, RUE DE LA FOULERIE`RUE DE LA MAIN-QUI-FILE, 45 Intervenant 1 Première partie Nom:BRIGALLIER NICOLAS Qualité, état civil:BOURGEOIS DE PARIS Profession :DRAPIER (MARCHAND), PARIS Intervenant 2 Deuxième partie Nom:NOYAU GUILLAUME Profession :MARCHAND, ORLEANS, 45 Domicile :ORLEANS, 45 To get there go to: http://www.archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr/chan/index.html Look for: "Les bases de données du CHAN interrogeables en texte intégral" ========== There's no Brigalier in the alphabetical index to the 1696 register of French coats of arms: Auteur(s) : Hozier, Charles d' Titre(s) : Indicateur du grand armorial ou Table alphabétique de tous les noms de personnes, villes, communautés ou corporations... Search for "armorial" at: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ ========= I came across this page of resources for genealogical research: http://habitant.org/tools/noblebib.htm And it turns out that the Order of the Porcupine was also called the Ordre du Camail. "Kovacs, Éva. 'L'Ordre du Camail des ducs d'Orléans'. Acta historiae artium, (Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae) 27 (1981), 22531. Reports discovery of the first known representation of the Orléans Order of the Camail or Porcupine in a tryptich of about 1455 by a painter of the circle of Roger van der Weyden at the Fondation Abegg in Berne." http://www174.pair.com/mja/essaybib.html I had to laugh when I found our original hedgehog had turned into a wild boar! It seems the change from boar to porcupine happened elsewhere too: "L'on voit dans le Manuscrit 14468, daté de 1450 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris que les D'Amours avaient aussi une nouvelle version de leurs armoiries, en remplaçant à cette époque le sanglier par le porc-épic." http://www.genealogie.org/famille/damours/AFD/Journal/Articles/1998/Les%20D'Amours%20en%20Europe.htm ========= I wish I could have found a neat answer to your questions about the Brigalier family. But I do hope that the stories of Mademoiselle's chaplain will lead to more clues about his relatives. There are plenty of books about her. Surely some of these will lead to more information? These sites helped me review some of the main points about la Grande Mademoiselle: Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, duchesse de Montpensier http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Marie_Louise_d'Orleans,_duchesse_de_Montpensier "Mémoires of Anne-Louise d'Orléans, duchesse de Montpensier (Mlle de Montpensier, usually called "la grande Mademoiselle"), one of the more endearing and beloved members of the French royal family." http://penelope.uchicago.edu/mlle/mlle.html Article by one of her biographers: http://www.zenor.com/bourbonsmag/mag4/23mademoiselle.html The trial where Brigalier was mentioned was linked to the Brinvilliers poisoning: http://cr.middlebury.edu/public/russian/Bulgakov/public_html/brinvilliers.html Many people of high social standing were involved in "l'affaire des poisons": "Le scandale est énorme, la marquise de Brinvilliers née Marie-Madeleine d'Aubrey est la fille d'un conseiller d'Etat. Mais l'enquête de La Reynie progresse et la liste des empoisonneurs s'allonge. Plusieurs hauts personnages sont cités : la comtesse de Soissons et la duchesse de Bouillon nièces de Mazarin ; le maréchal de Luxembourg ; les comtesses de Polignac, du Roure et de Gramont ; Mmes de Vivonne et de La Mothe ; Mlles des Oeillets et Cato ; la maréchale de La Ferté ; Jean Racine." http://www.histoire-en-ligne.com/article.php3?id_article=435 ========== Do feel free to ask if you would like me to elaborate on anything here, or help with the rather tedious online catalogues. Good luck with your research! I have become very curious about all this and will be looking out for your book when it is eventually published. Best wishes - Leli Search strategy: After initial searches on google, I searched through various catalogues, with Brigalier and Brigallier, and also armoirie, armorial and Ségrais. Le Centre historique des Archives nationales http://www.archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr/chan/index.html Gallica catalogue http://gallica.bnf.fr/ Bibliothèque nationale http://www.bnf.fr/ Catalogue collectif http://www.ccfr.bnf.fr/ |
rated this answer:![]() Thank you very much. An exhaustive answer with a lot of new information for me and several starting points for further research. |
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Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
From: scriptor-ga on 01 Oct 2003 09:00 PDT |
A note for my Fellow Researchers: I am quite sure that the modern form of the French family's name is "Brugalières", or "Brugalière". The problem is that I can't prove they really are connceted with the "Bryhallers" and I did not find any useful genealogical material on them. Scriptor |
Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
From: fp-ga on 01 Oct 2003 22:41 PDT |
You might get some help from the Societe francaise d´heraldique et de sigillographie, Paris Their address is mentioned here: http://www.heraldica.org/topics/france/ http://www.heraldik-wappen.de/wasu.shtml These sites might also be helpful: http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/Heraldique-Noblesse/ http://www.gaso.fr/forum/index.html |
Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
From: leli-ga on 02 Oct 2003 03:14 PDT |
Hi buncic Nice to see you around again. The name Scriptor suggests is very convincing and it's hard to find another French surname which comes anywhere close. Frustratingly Brugalière/Brugalières points away from Arras and northern France. It seems to be a distinctively local name, associated with Lot, in the south. This map shows the situation in the late 19th and early 20th century: http://www.notrefamille.com/v2/services_noms/lastnames_stats.asp?nom=BRUGALIERES&periode=1. Perhaps a member of the family met Uzhevych in Paris? There are four family historians in Lot and Lot et Garonne who have researched the name (including Burgalière and Brugaillère): http://cousins46.free.fr/fc46pa02.html http://cousins47.free.fr/fc47pa02.html You may be able to make email contact with them: http://cousins46.free.fr/fc46gene.html http://cousins47.free.fr/fc47gene.html There's also a French Family History Association with a Lot branch, though their page is out of date: http://www.quercy.net/institutions/genealogie.html#ARFHA%20Section%20Lot In 1994 they published an article on the name Brugalières from the 16th to 20th centuries: "# NUMÉRO 12 (décembre 94) [...] Généalogie BRUGALIERES à Catus 16°-20°s (Adrien Foissac +)" http://arhfa.lot.free.fr/moi-gene-lot.html The name turns up repeatedly in the genealogy and history of the area, though without helpful detail: 1685 Quercy http://arhfa.lot.free.fr/reunions_cahors.htm 18c Monflanquin http://monflanquin.bastide.free.fr/mariages.htm. 18c Montagnac http://jurade.free.fr/naissanc2.htm 1802 Viazac http://souquieres.org/genealogies/html/dat20.htm#24 19c Gramat http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jean-philippe.henry/fiches/fiche399.html Even playing around with the French phone book supports the idea that the name is linked to the départements of Lot, and Lot et Garonne. http://www.pagesjaunes.fr/pb.cgi Your questions are so challenging, but interesting! I hope you or another researcher can take this further. Best Wishes - Leli |
Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
From: fp-ga on 02 Oct 2003 11:24 PDT |
The family you are looking for may have become extinct since the 17th century. Therefore it may prove more efficient trying to identify the coat of arms before trying to trace a specific family. Googling for "herisson" (hedgehog) didn't provide further clues. |
Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
From: acidtest4u-ga on 03 Oct 2003 03:25 PDT |
This is a comment that brings explanation to the motto only "Cominus et eminus" ("From far and from near" in latin) is the motto of the King Louis the 12th in France(1462-1515, king of France (1498-1515)), whose representation animal was a porcupine see it on the link http://normandie.grafiko.org/pg13x.html It was believed that this animal could also throw its spines far away to hurt its attackers. hence the motto |
Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
From: fp-ga on 03 Oct 2003 08:50 PDT |
Not quite the coat of arms you are looking for, but similar: http://www.gaso.fr/ft0001.htm The porcupine mentioned by acidtest4u-ga seems to be part of the coat of arms of the de Maupeou family: http://www.gaso.fr/bes_porcepic0.htm and http://www.gaso.fr/f95116.htm For additional information go to http://www.gaso.fr/selection_theme.php3 and choose "porc-épic". Should the Maupeou connection interest you I could forward your question to a member of this family. Concerning the motto "Cominus et eminus" it may interest you that in 1393 "the duc d'Orléans, brother of Charles VI" created the "Ordre du Porc-Épic": http://www.heraldica.org/topics/france/frorders.htm Perhaps some familymember was a knight of this order? |
Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
From: buncic-ga on 13 Oct 2003 06:08 PDT |
Sorry for this long delay and thank you all very much for your valuable comments. And sorry once more for introducing new facts. I have just received new information from other sources. The name Brigalier does exist in exactly this form (so that probably it has nothing to do with Brugalière etc. - sorry!). Probably the family is extinct or near-extinct and this is why there is so little information in genealogical sources. In fact the coat of arms can even be found under this name in Rietstap's big work "Armorial général" (in the reprint of 1934): "Brigalier - Paris. D'or au sanglier de sa[ble]; au chef d'azur, ch[argé] de trois croiss[ants] du champ." (= "Brigalier - Paris. In gold a black boar; in the blue chief three golden crescents.") A drawing made according to this description can be found in the "Planches de l'Armorial général de J.-B. Rietstap" by Victor Rolland (Paris 1903). A colourized version of this drawing is available at http://www.uni-bonn.de/~dbuncic/diss/brigalier_paris_bunt.gif. Although this looks very similar to what we find in Uzhevich's grammar, the colours do not seem to be the same as the ones in Uzhevich's drawing. I do not know whether the original manuscript of Uzhevich's grammar is colourized, but obviously the chief is much brighter (probably silver or gold) than the relatively dark crescents and the background of the main field. The fact that the animal here is treated as a boar may be just a misunderstanding; the porcupine does not occur as a figure in heraldry, and therefore even in Neubecker & Rentzmann's "Encyclopaedia of Heraldry" ("Wappen-Bilder-Lexikon", München 1974, p.212) Louis XII.'s porcupine (of which the authors knew what it was, as the index shows) is represented in the chapter "Boar". In 1645, Uzhevich obviously still recognized the porcupine as such, as on the one hand the animal in the drawing has no tusks and seems to have spines and on the other hand he not only gives the motto "cominus et eminus" that acidtest4u found out but also alludes to this animal in the poem, which I have now understood better than before and of which I give you a translation here: Rightly in the coat of arms there are moons, As they signify the clarity of the Brigaliers' virtues. And the animal which defends itself from everywhere Preserves their virtue and fame. However, he who considers the pigeon well Easily acknowledges their humanity and sincerity. The only thing I still do not understand at all is the pigeon: what does it have to do with the Brigaliers? At least there is no pigeon in the coat of arms. Another additional item of information is that the name Brigalier is mentioned as a member of the Paris city council and captain of the civic guard; see Jean François de Retz, Mémoires, ed. Simone Bertière, Paris 1999: http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=89460&T=2 English translation: http://www.blackmask.com/books34c/cm09b.htm Another source mentions the name Brigallier as financiers in Paris (Françoise Bayard, Le monde des financiers au XVIIe siècle, Paris 1988). It would be interesting to find out anything more about these people, but I am afraid this would be _very_ difficult. Do you have any ideas how to go on? I could post individual specialized questions for any bit of new information. In any case it would be interesting to find out more about this porcupine order; maybe Uzhevich was financed by a knight of this order because of their aims? |
Re: Who were the Brigalliers (a French family about 1645)?
From: fp-ga on 13 Oct 2003 14:22 PDT |
Jean Brigalier, 17th century: http://www.geneanet.org/geneweb/g.php3?b=genepima&lang=de&m=NG&n=brigalier&t=N |
an explanation on the pigeon ?
From: acidtest4u-ga on 17 Dec 2003 07:10 PST |
The pigeon was the symbol of aristocracy. Only noble landowners could have pigeon houses on their lands. (Pigeon houses were the first things to be destroyed during the french revolution.....) i think that the text hint at the nobility of the family !! |
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