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Mac vs Pc
Category: Computers > Hardware Asked by: sulafa-ga List Price: $20.00 |
01 Oct 2003 07:12 PDT
Expires: 31 Oct 2003 06:12 PST Question ID: 261830 |
Hi i am a PC user and i wouldl like to know what so good about the Mac. Why do so people who are involved in digital art and movies like them opver the pc. I have been thinking of getting a mac laptop since i only use one for browsing the web, email and Microsoft office, would it be a good idea to use a mac for me? Most important of all i would like to know good and bad things about the mac befor i go and get one. |
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Re: Mac vs Pc
Answered By: leader-ga on 01 Oct 2003 09:47 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello sulafa-ga: It is my pleasure to answer your question, once again. Earlier, I replied to one of your queries regarding eBay. From your question, I can safely make three assumptions. 1) You want to know why people involved in digital arts and movies prefer MAC? 2) You will not be using any sophisticated application. Keeping that in mind, Is MAC the right choice for you? 3) What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of MAC? Let me answer your questions briefly in my own words and than I will provide you links where you can find further answers to your questions. Most people who are involved in digital arts and movies use MAC not because it has an edge over PC in the related fields but because of the MAC history. Actually, it was Apple that first started to provide local colleges and Universities with Apple computers. Because of this fact, until early 1990s, almost all of the Educational institutions used MAC operating system. At the same time, Apple made sure that the software it is producing is only available from Apple and nothing similar is available in the market. As a result, students and teachers were stuck with the MACs. Also, Apple produced revolutionary software for digital arts and Movie producers to gain an upper hand in the digital art market. That is precisely why you see many digital arts and movie people using MAC because their initial training was based on MAC and historically most advanced software in Digital Arts was produced by Apple Computers. Take an example of iDVD and iMovie software. As the director of Animations at Oxygen, Kit Kaybourne describes this phenomenon, The tools from Apple have allowed Oxygen to make work that is amazingly sophisticated using off-the-shelf products on the desktop. (Source: Apple Media Arts at http://www.apple.com) Come to the second question. Yes, almost all of the professionals in the computer industry agree that when it comes to the casual user, MAC is the best choice. The reason is simple. Not only does MAC has a very user friendly interface but whether you get an iMac, iBook, PowerBook, or G4 desktop, there's no need to find a video card, Ethernet card, modem card, USB card, or even a FireWire card. Everything you need is in the box, and the OS can handle it all. (Source: Tech TV) Lets tackle the third question. Since, every product in the market has its disadvantages and advantages; it is a very broad category. I am providing you links to the related material on the web where you can read in detail. Please refer to Links below: IMPORTANT LINKS AND ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTIONS When it comes to using PC or a MAC for business, gaming, casual or professional use, which one should you select? Here is the answer. http://www.geekshelter.com/view.php?section=guides&idnum=20 (Read the Sections at the end of the article). Since, both PC and MAC have their ups and downs; here is the best article that will provide you with goods and bad about the two systems in simplest of words. Judgment Call Mac vs PC (Tech TV) http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/features/story/0,24330,3339893,00.html MORE LINKS FOR YOUR RESEARCH AND CONCLUSION I can go on and on with an answer since it is such a broad question. Instead, I will provide you keywords that you may type in the Google search engine and it will help you find one useful link after another. Please type in these very useful links in the Google search engine to come out with more extensive details. KEYWORDS Mac vs PC Advantages of MAC Mac or PC (Ignore the first few results) I hope this will help. Please clarify if you need further help. I will be obliged to serve your needs. Thanks for using Google Answers. Sincerely, Leader-ga. |
rated this answer:![]() Good answer |
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Re: Mac vs Pc
From: leoj-ga on 01 Oct 2003 12:52 PDT |
I think the answer given above is fairly incorrect. As both a Mac user when given a choice (though I have a W2k workstation for things that require it) and someone who regularly uses his Mac for digital art (imaging), I think I have a better shot at this. Macs are designed much more coherently from a user perspective. Things flow better in the interface than on a Windows machine. Artists appreciate this, since it reduces the amount of conscious effort required to use the machine. Since art in a computer is something of an unnatural endeavor, getting the interface out of the way is the single most important aspect an OS can provide. A related aspect is that the interface that is presented to the user is sufficient to fully engage and take advantage of all aspects of the computer without them having to be a computer systems engineer. In a commercial design environment, the systems engineering requirements are greatly reduced over what would be required in a Windows based office. Reduced sys eng. equals lower overhead. So while a home user may focus on the small difference in sticker price, a business which is able to use Macs exclusively, or in a dominant role, will see dramatically better profitability. Also very important to a digital artist is the consistency of the color representation of the images produced on different machines and when printed. Macs are noted for this and eliminate the "oh, it looked better on my machine" that happens all too often on PCs. In addition, the displays used with Macs are consistently superior to all others and set the standard year in and year out. Finally, it should be noted that the exterior design of a Mac is aesthetically pleasing, while a Dell or Compaq looks entirely out of place in a graphic design or artistic environment. Not only does this affect the workplace performance, but it also impacts potential client response - it helps deliver the image of a studio. Hope that helps. |
Re: Mac vs Pc
From: leader-ga on 01 Oct 2003 13:39 PDT |
Hello its leader-ga: First of all, I want to thank leoj-ga for providing a useful feedback. Leoj-ga has argued that digital arts and movie people use Mac because of its technical superiority over PC. I think my answer stated this fact. It reads, "As a result, students and teachers were stuck with the Macs. Also, Apple produced revolutionary software for digital arts and Movie producers to gain an upper hand in the digital art market." Now, if the history of Mac is any issue than I stand by my word and I will provide proof, if needed by the customer. The fact is fairly well known in the computer industry. Again, there are lots of studies on the comparison tests of both Mac and PC on the internet. Anyone can easily verify my claim. I will appreciate anyone's comments. We all know that critique always helps a writer. Sincerely, leader-ga. |
Re: Mac vs Pc
From: racecar-ga on 01 Oct 2003 13:45 PDT |
For more on this issue: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=210008 |
Re: Mac vs Pc
From: sluggy-ga on 02 Oct 2003 00:22 PDT |
As a long time Mac gal who started off on a DOS machine (icky icky icky), I can say I prefer the Mac far and above the PC(even with updated OS). I am very dyslexic and find the Mac has a more intuitive interface. I don't know why that is, but the fact that I don't have to try to play computer engineer every time I need to execute a key stroke, makes me more productive in the long run. My children started on Macs at age 2 with educational games, and they both found it very easy to play their games and manuveur around. At ages 6 and 12, they are both very well versed, and I no longer have to help them find files (a pain on PCs) or figure out how to do stuff. Macs are less likely to be felled by computer viruses that travel through email or files. Most viruses are designed to exploit Microsoft platform holes and thus Macs are immune to those viruses. This does not mean that they are virus-free, just that you are less likely to have virus problems on a Mac. I work in a virtual office environment. Of my 10 colleagues, the 4 or 5 of us with Macs are the only ones who have had NO virus problems in the last 3 years I've been with the company. Yet, ALL our PC folks have encountered viruses and the subsequent downtime and cost associated with them. That said, PCs often offer a better selection of software, everything from office applications to games. Most of the big warehouse type stores will have a ton of software for the PC and a very limited selection for the Mac. You can get around this by ordering from Mac Warehouse or a similar Mac-only vendor, but you'll never find the quantity of titles offered by the PC software manufacturers. And, as someone else mentioned, Macs are pretty. For us artsy-fartsy types they provide a constant reminder that our work is fun. As well, someone mentioned the all-in-the-box aspects of the Mac. That is really one of it's stong suits. You open the box, attach the icon-coded cables to the icon-coded plug-ins, turn it on, and voila, you're on and good to go. When I first bought by G3 iMac, it took literally 5 minutes to pull it out of the box, connect the cables, plug in a dial-up line (I've since graduated to DSL) and configured the internet preferences and was online checking my email. I can't comment about PCs in that respect, but I can't imagine PCs offering an easier setup. |
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