Hello again Schrades,
The results of my research are as follows:
Scooter sales are accelerating. Easy use, high gas prices cited as
reasons for rising popularity
Mike Mount, a spokesman for the Motorcycle Industry Council in
Irvine, Calif., said motor scooter sales have increased rapidly the
past several years.
Here's a look at unit retail sales of motor scooters, based on
Motorcycle Industry Council retail sales report. As of Dec. 31, 2002
sales had increased 37.9 percent among brands that participate in the
Motorcycle Industry Council's Retail Sales Reporting system.
---- -----
1997 12,000
1998 15,000
1999 25,000
2000 42,000
2001 50,000
2002 69,000 (estimated)
The Cincinnati Enquirer: March 29, 2003
As I mentioned in my clarification, sales figures by state are not
freely available. However, you will be able to purchase that
information from the Motorcycle Industry Council if you are a member
of their organization.
Here is the application form:
By completing the following information, you will be applying for
membership in the Motorcycle Industry Council.
Here are the retail sales report options they offer:
Option A - Monthly U.S. Sales (No Charge)
Monthly U.S. sales by brand for each model type and cc category.
Option B - Option A Plus Annual State Sales ($100 Per Year)
Monthly U.S. sales (Option A) plus the annual states sales by brand
for each model type and cc category (320 pages).
Option C - Option A Plus Monthly State Sales ($360 Per Year)
Monthly U.S. and state sales by brand for each model type and cc
category (320 pages).
Option C appears to be the report you require.
Motorcycle Industry Council
Additional information that may interest you:
The article Scooters make strides in market by Craig W. Baggott of
The Hartford Courant provides some interesting demographics of scooter
Look closer at the council's numbers and there's reason to think the
growth will continue. The mean age of purchasers, for example, is 38.2
years, and the median household income is $42,500.
Other breakdowns: 26 percent of owners are students, 22 percent are
females, and 22 percent of owners who work are in professional or
technical occupations.
CJ Online
Another interesting article from USA Today:
The number of scooter commuters also is growing because scooter
ownership is way up. Motor scooter sales nationwide grew to 50,000
last year from 25,000 in 1999, according to the Motorcycle Information
Council. That increase was fueled by the reintroduction to the U.S.
market of the Vespa and other Italian scooters. About 10,000 Vespas
have been sold in the United States since the brand returned in
January 2001.
USA Today
Search Criteria:
Scooter market OR industry sales
U.S. motor scooter retail sales
U.S. motor scooter retail sales
I hope this information helps you in your research. If anything is
unclear with my answer, please ask for clarification.
Best Regards,
Bobbie7-ga |