European origin of Hedrick family
Category: Family and Home > Families Asked by: steve2470-ga List Price: $200.00 |
04 Oct 2003 13:12 PDT
Expires: 03 Nov 2003 12:12 PST Question ID: 262747 |
There is no answer at this time. |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: fp-ga on 04 Oct 2003 13:34 PDT |
Why do you think that you ancestors came from Germany or Western Poland? There is no name such as Hedrick in Germany (perhaps it was something like Haedrich in earlier times?). This site may interest you (I can only comment): http://www.deweeses.com/ |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: steve2470-ga on 04 Oct 2003 13:46 PDT |
I have always been told that my father's family came from Germany. When I did some amateurish geneology research of my own, I found that "Hedrick" was also a name from western Poland ( pre-World War 2 times) in a region called Silesia. Silesia was originally in Germany before World War 2. |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: fp-ga on 04 Oct 2003 14:28 PDT |
Clarification of my previous comment that Hedrick is not a German name. According to the current German telephone directory there is no entry for this name: http://www.dastelefonbuch.de/NSAPI/Anfrage?SPRACHE=EN |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: steve2470-ga on 04 Oct 2003 14:44 PDT |
" The surname of HEDRICK is Teutonic in origin. It was originally Hedereich (heder-reich) meaning "head of the government." whether this refers to some local government or has a broader significance is unknown. Early seated in the Austrian Tyrol, in Silesia, and the rich Palatine District of the upper Rhine River, in Germany, and other parts of Contiental Europe. The progenitors of the family became tired of the almost constant battles between monarchs of France and Prussia, who both claimed the area and time after time laid waste to the land, confiscated property and butchered its inhabitants " from folksites.com/hedrick-family/hedrick.html |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: steve2470-ga on 04 Oct 2003 14:48 PDT |
" orgin of the name hedrick The family name is known to have existed in Germany between 1200 and 1300. For the origin and the meaning of the name Hedrick (spelled Heddrich at that time) there are two explanations. In the old high German the name was Hadurich, meaning "Prince of the Battle." The name Hadu is also found in the name Hedwig. The other explanation would be, " Leader of the Heath", or "Heath Prince." Members of the Hedrick family were among the earlier settlers in this country. The family name, with variations in spelling, is quite common in Pennsylvania. Some variations in the spelling of the name are: Hedderich, Heddrich, Hydrich, Heydrich, Hedrick, and Headrick. That is just to name a very few. The first official census in this country was taken in 1790. In this census there are more than a dozen variations in the spelling of the name Hedrick. In many cases English speaking clerks wrote down what the name sounded like to them, and in other instances the immigrants formed their own English spelling. Thus causing the spelling to change many times. coming to america In the early 1700's many people migrated to America, including our Hedrick (Headrick) ancestors. Most of them came from the Palatinate area of Germany. One of the reasons for leaving Germany was, they had suffered cruel persecution as Protestants under Roman Catholic rulers of their homeland. Another reason was, King Louis XIV of France sent his invading troops into the rich farms of the Rhineland Palatine of Germany. They were literally driven off, and there was n effort to colonize it by France. Many seized what they could, and fled by way of Holland and England to America. The Hedrick family, of German descent, was among the early settlers in America. One of the first arrivals seems to have been that of Karl Heddrick. " from http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7505/ |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: eponine-ga on 09 Oct 2003 15:40 PDT |
Have you looked at the family trees submitted by users of Ancestry.com? There is an Andrew J. Hedrick in Virginia, whose ancestors came from Langenselbold, Hessen, Germany. You didn't list any wives' names and the family tree does not have Andrew J's descendants, so I can't tell if you're related, so it could be a start. http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=dana_thomas&id=I19036 If you want to find a professional researcher who *can* read the German records, check with the Association of Professional Genealogists (http://www.apgen.org/). On their site, click "How to Find a Professional" and then under "Geographical Specialties" click Germany. I hope this helps. |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: justaskscott-ga on 09 Oct 2003 16:37 PDT |
Here's a clue. According to the following page, Andrew Jackson Hedrick was born 1821 in Baltimore, MD, and died 1851 in Brownsville, TX. "Descendants of Adriaen Hendricks de Wees - Ninth Generation (Continued) - 5413. Elizabeth Carroll Taylor" DeWeese Genealogy [Note: This is the site pointed out by fp-ga.] http://www.deweeses.com/Latest/aqwg187.htm#8134 |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: steve2470-ga on 09 Oct 2003 18:58 PDT |
Yes, the Andrew Jackson Hedrick who was born in Baltimore, MD in 1821 would be one of my ancestors, thanks ! Now I just have to trace him back. Thank you also for the suggestion about the geneaologists. Steve |
Re: European origin of Hedrick family
From: fp-ga on 15 Oct 2003 00:11 PDT |
According to http://www.familysearch.org/eng/Search/igi/family_group_record.asp?familyid=64018654&indi_id=100076953339&lds=1®ion=11&frompage=1 Andrew Jackson Hedrick and Elizabeth Carroll Taylor married on 18 DEC 1848 in Cameron, Texas. You probably know this already, but these details are not mentioned on http://www.deweeses.com/Latest/aqwg187.htm#8134 |
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