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Q: Fortran code with LAPACK ( No Answer,   0 Comments )
Subject: Fortran code with LAPACK
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: antara-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 04 Oct 2003 20:40 PDT
Expires: 03 Nov 2003 19:40 PST
Question ID: 262823

I have a fortran code where I want to diagonalize a complex Hermitian
matrix. I'm using Lapack subroutine "ZHPEV" for diagonalization.
Following link provides the usage of "ZHPEV":

I'm getting syntax error message for using "ap" parameter where the
"." is used in the place of complex character (in line 25 of the code
c finding the eigenvalues of a complex matrix using LAPACK
	Implicit none
c declarations, notice double precision
	complex*16 A(3,3), w(3), ap(6), aux(9,9) 
	integer i, j, n, iopt, naux 
c define matrix A
	A(1,1)=(3.1, -1.8)
	A(1,2)=(1.3, 0.2) 
	A(1,3)=(-5.7, -4.3)
	A(2,1)=(1.3, 0)
	A(2,2)=(-6.9, 3.2)
	A(2,3)=(5.8, 2.2)
	A(3,1)=(5.7, -4.0)
	A(3,2)=(5.8, 2.9)
	A(3,3)=(-8.8, 3.2)
        do 10 i=1,3
10      continue
11      format(f6.2)
c find the solution using the LAPACK routine ZGEEV
	call ZGPEV(iopt,ap,w,n,aux,naux)
        ap(6)=((3.1, .), (1.3, 0.2), (-6.9, .), (-5.7,-4.3),
     &  (5.8, 2.2), (-8.8, .))
c output of eigenvalues
c	if (ok .eq. 0) then
c	   do i=1, 3
c	      write(*,*) w(i)
c	   enddo
c	else
c	   write (*,*) "An error occured"
c	endif
I'd appreciate if anyone can help me in fixing this problem.

Request for Question Clarification by hedgie-ga on 04 Oct 2003 21:17 PDT
Hi antara,

It would help to post the source with line numbers
and also  the error message.

But, if I am counting lines correctly, your error
happens after the call to the sub and may have
nothing to do with it.

I would check if & is indeed in col. 6,
comment out the subroutine call,
then comment out thr ap(6)= statement (both lines)

and observe when the sysntax error dispappear...

Let us know
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