You can find all you want to know about PPPoE here, The largest PPPoE
Help Website: http://www.carricksolutions.com/pppoe.php
Their definition of PPPoE:
Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet is a proposal specifying how a
host personal computer (PC) interacts with a broadband modem (i.e.
xDSL, cable, wireless, etc) to achieve access to the growing number of
Highspeed data networks. Relying on two widely accepted standards,
Ethernet and the point-to-point protocol (PPP), the PPPoE
implementation requires virtually no more knowledge on the part of the
end user other than that required for standard Dialup Internet access.
In addition, PPPoE requires no major changes in the operational model
for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and carriers. The significance
of PPP over Ethernet has to do with its far greater ease of use versus
competing approaches. By making high speed access easier to use for
end consumers, and more seamless to integrate into the existing
infrastructure for carriers and ISPs, PPPoE could speed the widespread
adoption of Highspeed access services
Also, PPP over Ethernet provides a major advantage for service
providers by maximizing integration with - and minimizing disruption
of - service providers' existing dial network infrastructures. Through
tight integration with existing back office automation tools that ISPs
have developed for dial customers, PPPoE enables rapid service
deployment and cost savings. From authentication, accounting and
secure access to configuration management, PPPoE supports a broad
range of existing applications and services.
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a protocol used by
many ADSL Internet Service Providers
from http://www.carricksolutions.com/pppoe.php
Webopedia describes it as follows:
Acronym for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. PPPoE relies on two
widely accepted standards: PPP and Ethernet. PPPoE is a specification
for connecting the users on an Ethernet to the Internet through a
common broadband medium, such as a single DSL line, wireless device or
cable modem. All the users over the Ethernet share a common
connection, so the Ethernet principles supporting multiple users in a
LAN combine with the principles of PPP, which apply to serial
from http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/PPPoE.html
other interesting sites:
search terms used:
PPPoE on google: ://www.google.be/search?q=PPPoe&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=nl&meta= |