Hello shirleyjoe-ga,
To find numerous cities and towns with those approximate coordinates,
you can try this search:
'Searched pages from calle.com for "39n 116e"'
It appears that this web site (Global Gazetteer,
http://www.calle.com/world/ )treats places from 39N to just short of
40N as 39N, and places from 116E to just short of 117E as 116E. Thus,
while an atlas shows that Beijing is closer to 40N, 116E, this site
puts Beijing at 39N, 116E, since it is not quite at 40N. In any
event, it is certainly close to 39N, 116E.
'Searched pages from calle.com for "39n 116e" beijing'
Another large city that is close to these coordinates is Tianjin,
which this site lists at 39N, 117E.
'Searched pages from calle.com for "39n 117e" tianjin'
I confirmed the location of these cities by looking at the pages for
China in a large world atlas, which you should be able to find at your
local library.
- justaskscott-ga |