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Q: drug called aktovjun made by merk sold in russia ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: drug called aktovjun made by merk sold in russia
Category: Health
Asked by: chasm3-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 10 Oct 2003 20:42 PDT
Expires: 09 Nov 2003 19:42 PST
Question ID: 265115
drug called aktovjun made by merk sold in russia
Given to an infant as treatment for intra-cranial pressure

Request for Question Clarification by denco-ga on 10 Oct 2003 20:48 PDT
Howdy chasm3,

What exactly did you need in regards to this drug?

Thanks!  denco-ga

Clarification of Question by chasm3-ga on 10 Oct 2003 21:43 PDT
The drug may also be called actovegin. I would like to know if
possible please what chemicals are in the drug and the action of the
Subject: Re: drug called aktovjun made by merk sold in russia
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 10 Oct 2003 23:07 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Actovegin is classified as a "Deproteinized Haemoderivative," which
means a protein-free substance produced from blood. Actovegin begins
as a natural substance made from the blood of specially-raised calves.
The calf blood used as raw material for Actovegin is derived from
calves born, raised and slaughtered in Australia (a nation which has
been declared free of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or "mad cow
disease.") The blood is processed and filtered in such a way as to
produce a drug that can affect the way cells utilize glucose (a sugar
that is the primary 'fuel' for cells). Actovegin serves as a
circulatory stimulant, and functions as an antihypoxant by enhancing
cellular oxygen transport, helping to convey more oxygen to cells
which need this vital element. Since the utilization of oxygen is
essential to the proper functioning of the brain, one of Actovegin's
major uses is in the treatment of cranio-cerebral traumas and arterial
diseases. Actovegin is available as a gel and as a cream (both for
topical use on the outside of the body), and also as a liquid solution
to be injected.


Actovegin(r) is a Deproteinized Hemoderivative of Calf Blood that is
obtained by ultra-filtration. The Deproteinized Hemoderivative of Calf
Blood contains only physiological components, anorganic substances
socle as electrolytes and essential trace elements and 30% of organic
components as amino acids, oligopeptides, nucleosides, intermediary
products of the carbohydrate and of the fat metabolism, and components
of the cellular membranes as glycosphingolipids. One of the
physiologic components of Actovegin(r) is inositol
phospho-oligosaccharides ( IPOs ). These compounds are thought to
possess central and peripheral insulin effects, suggesting that a
therapeutic benefit could be obtained in disorders of impaired glucose

Nycomed: Actovegin

                   --= HOW DOES ACTOVEGIN WORK? =--

The active components in Actovegin(r) promote glucose uptake by
cerebral and skeletal muscle and other cells and stimulate intrinsic
glucose transport by regulating glucose carrier GluT1; Actovegin(r)
activates piruvate-dehydrogenase (PDH) and thereby leads to increased
utilization of glucose by cells and formation of energy-rich
substances ("insulin-likeĦ¤effect). (Oberermaier-Kusser et al. 1989;)
Actovegin(r) also increases uptake and utilization of oxygen by
hypoxic tissues and cells (which can be proven by Warburg's test) via
promoting mitochondrial respiratory function and decreases formation
of lactate, as a result, it protects hypoxic tissue. (Machicao, 1993;
Kununaka et al. 1991).

Nycomed: Actovegin

Mode of action:
Actovegin(r) produces an organ-unrelated increase of the cellular
energy metabolism. The activity is confirmed by measurement of the
increased uptake and of the elevated utilization of glucose and
oxygen. These two effects are coupled and they result in a rise of the
ATP-turnover and thus in a greater provision of energy in the cell. In
deficiency states with impairment of the normal functions of the
energy metabolism (hypoxia, substrate deficiency) and in states of
increased energy requirement (reparation, regeneration) Actovegin(r)
promotes the energy-dependent processes of the functional metabolism
and of the conservation metabolism. An increase of the blood supply is
seen as a secondary effect.

Nycomed: Actovegin


Disturbances in the cerebral circulation and nutrition (ischemic
insultus, cranio-cerebral traumas).
Disturbances of peripheral (arterial, venous) blood flow and sequels
resulting from these disturbances (arterial angiopathy, ulcus cruris).
Skin graftings.
Burns, scalds, erosions.
Wound-healing impairment: torpid wounds, decubitus;
Radiation-induced skin and mucous membrane lesions (prophylaxis and

Nycomed: Actovegin

                       --= MORE ON ACTOVEGIN =--

Biospace: Actovegin

Medical abstracts that discuss the use of Actovegin:



Google search strategy:

Google Web Search: "actovegin"

Google Web Search: "actovegin" + "nycomed"


I hope this information is useful. If anything is unclear, or if a
link does not function, please request clarification; I'll be glad to
offer further assistance before you rate my answer.

Best regards,
chasm3-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars

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