Request for Question Clarification by
11 Oct 2003 14:00 PDT
Dear manzoid,
I have found a table that lists per-pupil spending by state, based
upon "Average Daily Attendance" for 2001/2002. However, the ADA
funding amount for California is listed as $7119, so I am not really
sure if the table indeed contains the figures you expect. So I decided
to post the first 10 entries, and you can decide whether this is what
you are looking for. If you accept these figures, I will post the
complete dataset:
Expenditures Per Pupil in Average Daily Attendance
Rank State Exp/ADA
1 District of Columbia $14,359
2 New York $11,472
3 Alaska $11,103
4 New Jersey $11,029
5 Connecticut $10,825
6 Rhode Island $10,294
7 Massachusetts $10,270
8 Delaware $10,166
9 Illinois $ 9,788
10 Vermont $ 9,764
Please let me know whether this is what you are looking for.