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California high school exit exams
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education Asked by: smuchr101-ga List Price: $5.00 |
12 Oct 2003 11:50 PDT
Expires: 11 Nov 2003 10:50 PST Question ID: 265480 |
Which politicians are for and against the implementation of the California high school exit exams? |
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Re: California high school exit exams
Answered By: juggler-ga on 12 Oct 2003 17:26 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello. The issue of the implementation of the California High School Exit Exam was actually voted on this year in the both houses of the California Legislature. Both the Assembly and Senate voted on Assembly Bill 356, which delays implementation of the exit exam and eliminates the exam as a high school graduation requirement. Thus, the politicians who are for and against implementation of the exit exam are on record as a result of this vote. An "Aye" vote was to delay implementation of the exit exam and eliminate it as a high school graduation requirement. A "No" vote was FOR implementation of the exit exam. In the Assembly... VOTES - ROLL CALL MEASURE: AB 356 AUTHOR: Hancock TOPIC: Education: pupil testing. DATE: 06/03/2003 LOCATION: ASM. FLOOR MOTION: AB 356 Hancock Assembly Third Reading (AYES 44. NOES 32.) (PASS) AYES **** Berg Bermudez Calderon Chan Chavez Chu Corbett Diaz Dutra Dymally Firebaugh Frommer Goldberg Hancock Jerome Horton Jackson Kehoe Laird Leno Levine Lieber Liu Longville Lowenthal Matthews Montanez Mullin Nakano Nation Negrete McLeod Nunez Oropeza Parra Pavley Reyes Ridley-Thomas Salinas Simitian Steinberg Vargas Wiggins Wolk Yee Wesson NOES **** Aghazarian Bates Benoit Bogh Campbell Cogdill Correa Cox Daucher Dutton Garcia Harman Haynes Shirley Horton Houston Keene La Malfa La Suer Leslie Maldonado Maze McCarthy Mountjoy Nakanishi Pacheco Plescia Richman Runner Samuelian Spitzer Strickland Wyland Source: CA State Assembly Roll Call Vote: AB 356 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_0351-0400/ab_356_vote_20030603_1037PM_asm_floor.html If you want more information about these Assembly members, you may look them up on the Assembly web site: http://www.assembly.ca.gov/acs/acsframeset7text.htm In the Senate... VOTES - ROLL CALL MEASURE: AB 356 AUTHOR: Hancock TOPIC: Education: pupil testing. DATE: 09/08/2003 LOCATION: SEN. FLOOR MOTION: Assembly 3rd Reading AB356 Hancock By Kuehl (AYES 22. NOES 14.) (PASS) AYES **** Alarcon Burton Cedillo Chesbro Ducheny Dunn Escutia Figueroa Florez Karnette Kuehl Machado Murray Ortiz Perata Romero Scott Sher Soto Speier Vasconcellos Vincent NOES **** Aanestad Ackerman Ashburn Battin Brulte Denham Hollingsworth Johnson Knight Margett McClintock Morrow Oller Poochigian Source: CA State Senate Roll Call Vote: AB 356 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_0351-0400/ab_356_vote_20030908_1153AM_sen_floor.html If you want more information about these senators, you may look them up on the Senate web site: http://www.sen.ca.gov/~newsen/senators/senators.htp search strategy: california "high school exit" www.assembly.ca.gov , legislation, ab 356 I hope this helps. | |
rated this answer:![]() The answer was adequate but was not exactly what I wanted. |
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Re: California high school exit exams
From: juggler-ga on 14 Oct 2003 15:39 PDT |
I'm sorry that you were disappointed. What was it that you wanted that wasn't provided? If you're curious about the position of a particular politician not listed, I could try to do additional research. Let me know. |
Re: California high school exit exams
From: smuchr101-ga on 14 Oct 2003 15:44 PDT |
What politicians are for and against the California high school exit exams? What has Schwarzenegger proposed to do about these exams, if any? |
Re: California high school exit exams
From: juggler-ga on 14 Oct 2003 16:19 PDT |
Again, in the body of my answer, you'll find a pretty big list of politicians (i.e., all members of the legistlature) for and against implentation of the California high school exit exam. From what I can tell, Arnold Schwarzenegger has not taken a position on this issue one way or the other. http://www.joinarnold.com/en/agenda/#B1 http://www.joinarnold.com/en/agenda/arnoldsviews.php#E1 Any other politicians you're curious about? |
Re: California high school exit exams
From: juggler-ga on 14 Oct 2003 16:39 PDT |
Sorry for those typos: "..legislature) for and against implementation..." |
Re: California high school exit exams
From: smuchr101-ga on 14 Oct 2003 17:41 PDT |
What is Gray Davis' position on these exit exams? Thanks for all your help. |
Re: California high school exit exams
From: juggler-ga on 14 Oct 2003 19:00 PDT |
Davis has been a big supporter of the exit exam. "The high school exit exam is a key piece of Gov. Gray Davis' testing and school accountability program. " http://csmp.ucop.edu/cmp/comet/2002/10_04_2002.html "Meanwhile, Gov. Gray Davis has touted the exam in his re-election campaign and regards it as a cornerstone of his educational achievements." http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/2002/52_Percent-Fail-High-School30sep02.htm I haven't been able to find anything that suggests Davis supported or opposed the decision to delay the exit exam requirement until 2006. ------ Superintendent of Schools, Jack O'Connell, a Davis ally, was the author of the bill that created the high school exit exam requirement. He supported the two-year delay, but is in favor of implementing the requirement eventually. "Although he authored the bill to enact the exam and said he remains an ardent supporter of the goals of the exam, O’Connell asked the board on July 9 to delay the exit exam for two years." http://www.csba.org/co/top_stories/july03/top_story7_9_03_3.htm |
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