A good background site with clear descriptions of the various types of
liquid crystal approaches is at Case Western Reserve University. The
site is http://liq-xtal.cwru.edu/ and the Group is the Liquid Crystal
Physics and Complex Fluids Group. The cover the gamut of research
today, but I want to point you to a particular sentence in their
description, "We also develop liquid crystal devices, including
displays, electrically-controlled optical gratings, and laser beam
steering devices." Decide what you are trying to build before you
contact them.
As you look down their page, you should see a green background area.
In it are links to a Liquid Crystal Primer, a LC Textbook, and LC
displays. I highly recommend all of them. Read according to your
needs and background. You will see molecular structures of a couple
of the LC's in the Primer.
There is a very interesting supplier at http://www.light-span.com/
Photo Gallery at http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/micro/gallery/liqcryst/liqcryst.html
Also search on "nematic liquid crystals" |