Dear hester-ga,
Good day!
The following data, taken from the Greenbook published by the United
Stated Agency for International Development (USAID), provides the
summary of total aid to all the receipient countries for the fiscal
years 2000 & 2001:
(All figures in $US millions, current)
Program 2000 2001
I. Total Econ Assistance 11,745.00 10,742.30
Loans 303.70 105.20
Grants 11,441.30 10,637.10
A. USAID & Predecessor 6,624.40 6,365.00
Loans 0.00 0.00
Grants 6,624.40 6,365.00
Security Supp Assist/ESF 2,581.10 2,043.40
B. Food for Peace 1,717.60 1,590.70
Loans 303.70 105.20
Grants 1,413.90 1,485.50
Title I Total 303.70 105.20
Repayment in $ Loans 303.70 105.20
Payment in Foreign Curr 0.00 0.00
Title II/Section 416 1,408.40 1,485.50
Emergency Programs 486.30 409.00
Development Programs/416 922.10 1,076.50
Title III Total 5.50 0.00
C. Other Econ Assistance 3,403.00 2,786.60
Loans 0.00 0.00
Grants 3,403.00 2,786.60
Peace Corps 244.10 267.30
Narcotics 1,292.30 325.00
Other 633.30 725.60
II. Total Military Assistance 5,203.80 4,057.80
Loans 0.00 0.00
Grants 5,203.80 4,057.80
MAP Grants 0.00 0.00
Credit Financing 0.00 0.00
Intl Military Ed & Trng 49.80 57.70
Transfer - Excess Stock 0.00 0.00
Other Grants 4,972.50 3,792.60
III. Total Econ & Mil Assistance16,948.90 14,800.10
Loans 303.70 105.20
Grants 16,645.20 14,694.90
Other US Loans 3,914.00 2,524.20
EX-IM Bank Loans 932.60 871.20
All Other 2,981.30 1,653.00
The Greenbook shows a complete historical record of United States
(U.S.) foreign aid to the rest of the world. It is available online at
this URL:
To understand the various reporting heads, please follow this link:
The total budgetory demands for the various fiscal years are listed
FY $
2004 8,771
2003 8,477,724
2002 8,759,465
2001 7,806,161
2000 7,615,509
Hope this answer satisfactorily answers your query :)
Thanks & regards,
Additional Links:
A wealth of information is available on the USAID website:
Search Strategy:
Total US foreign aid
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