I am looking for statistical data regarding about how many US workers
have experienced some recent (within one year) personal trauma like
divorce; death of a parent, spouse or child; ill parent; or
delinquency trouble with a teenager. I am looking for answers such
X% of all US workers have gone through a divorce in the last year
Y% of all US workers have experienced the death of a parent, spouse or
child in the last year |
Clarification of Question by
21 Oct 2003 18:46 PDT
Question to researchers? Why no reply? Too hard? Too little money
offered? Everyone too busy on other questions?
This is my first question and I am curious.
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Oct 2003 18:54 PDT
Experienced a death in the immediate family (any member) or divorce
might be possible, but statistics about worker's experiences with teen
delinquency and ill parents I fear are near impossible to gather.
Perhaps if you rethink your question and list specifically what you
would accept as a minimum in the answer you might get. List a few
specific reasonable situations and keep them fairly broad. Think in
terms of someone who gathers atatistics and what subjects might be of
measurable interest. Those are the topics that are routinely
Workers who experienced...
alcohol/drug abuse
disabling injury on the job
violence in the workplace
various kind of harassment
You get the idea....
Clarification of Question by
22 Oct 2003 13:52 PDT
Limiting the question:
Can you give me answer to these two questions -
% of workers who have experienced a death in the immediate family (any
member) in the last year (or whatever time period, but not to be so
broad as "ever" experienced)
% of workers who have experienced a divorce in the last year (or
whatever time period, but not to be so broad as "ever" experienced)
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Oct 2003 19:31 PDT
Hello ben29,
Can you elaborate a bit on what you need?
It would certainly be possible to find, say, the number of divorces in
a year. Combine that with the unemployment rate, and you can get a
pretty good guess at the number of workers experiencing a divorce.
Would that work for you.
Similarly, given the number of deaths occuring in a year, it's
reasonable to suppose that for each death, there are perhaps two
people in the immediate family who are workers, and are affected by
this personal trauma.
I'm wondering if these sort of reasonable estimates would work for
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Oct 2003 01:01 PDT
Hello ben29-ga,
Ive started researching your very interesting question and Im
finding lots of statistics for many of the traumatic events you list.
There are also lots of materials about worker stress and factors
affecting worker health and productivity. Unfortunately, its very
difficult to find statistics correlating personal life events and the
individuals employment status.
Ive found some anecdotal reports about the impact of various
stressors on job performance. This article from Flight Safety
Australia is an example.
On the Edge: How do you stop major life events affecting your
performance on the flight deck?
***** See also Stress Quiz on page 4.
If you can tell me more about how you plan to use the statistics
youve specified in your question I may be able to come up with a
I look forward to your clarification.
~ czh ~