IPA chart for Lhasa Tibetan
Category: Science > Social Sciences Asked by: maisie-ga List Price: $10.00 |
15 Oct 2003 20:11 PDT
Expires: 14 Nov 2003 19:11 PST Question ID: 266751 |
I am looking for an IPA chart for Lhasa Tibetan. For examples of what I mean by an IPA chart, you can go here: http://classweb.gmu.edu/accent/nl-ipa/ You'll see that this site does have a Tibetan IPA chart, but I'm not sure it's entirely right, so I need to find another one somewhere for independant confirmation. I will accept as an answer a link to an IPA chart of Tibetan, or else the reference to a book that definitely has one in it (which I will then go get from the library). Obviously, I won't accept a link back to the site above, nor the book it was taken from (Denwood, 1999). Also, all I really care about is getting a phonetic description of the segment inventory of modern Lhasa Tibetan (I'm not concerned with tones at this point), so if you find something in a slightly different format than the IPA chart, it would probably be ok, as long as it has a comprehensive list of all the segments in the language. Please ask if you need any clarification, I'm always on the computer so I should get right back to you. Thanks. | |
Re: IPA chart for Lhasa Tibetan
Answered By: justaskscott-ga on 31 Oct 2003 23:59 PST Rated: |
Hello maisie-ga, I have found an IPA chart of the Tibetan alphabet by searching on Amazon.com for: "lhasa tibetan" ipa. It includes a note with respect to Lhasa Tibetan, seemingly implying that the chart is good for Lhasa Tibetan. 'All 12 results for "lhasa tibetan" ipa' Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index%3Dstripbooks%26field-keywords%3D%252522lhasa%252520tibetan%252522%252520ipa%26store-name%3Dbooks/102-3762493-7724957 When I searched, it was the second result -- or more specifically, page 153 of the following book: "An Introduction to the Languages of the World, by Anatole V. Lyovin" Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0195081161/qid=1067673257/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/102-3762493-7724957?v=glance&s=books If you are registered with Amazon.com, you can view the page by clicking on the "page 153" on the initial page I have cited. If not, you can still get a sense of what the book contains by "searching inside the book" for the word "tibetan" or phrase "lhasa tibetan". - justaskscott-ga | |
rated this answer:
Sorry to take so long to rate this. I finally got the book out of the library, and it's great. Thanks. |
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