Hello unclepappey~
You picked an interesting subject, and one that is still being debated
today. Therefore, I have a few recommended sites (rather than just
one) that should give you a variety of views.
For a quick overview of major happenings in the U.S. during the 1920s,
check out 1920s.Nets America page:
http://www.1920s.net/namerica/usa/usa.htm If you wish to read about
happenings in other parts of the world during the same era, check out
this page on the same website: http://www.1920s.net/index.htm
For a look into why the economy boomed in the 20s, check out
American History 101, a teachers outline, which explains it in easy
to understand terms:
Now for the meaty stuff. For a good overview of why the depression
happened, I recommend Americas Great Depression:
http://www.amatecon.com/gd/gdoverview.html It gives an understandable
account of the economics of the depression. Dont miss the Causes and
Cures page on the same website:
In addition, you may find The Crash of 29 website helpful. Here
youll find more details about why America fell into a depression;
The Crash: http://www.btinternet.com/~dreklind/thecrash.htm
For an interesting read, also check out Main Causes of the Great
Depression by Paul Alexander Gusmorino:
http://www.gusmorino.com/pag3/greatdepression/index.html It offers
some interesting figures and statistics.
Finally, for a good overview of why the economy boomed then crashed,
see Liberty Havens Money in the 1920s & 1930s:
These recommended websites should give you a very good understanding
of the causes and affects of the 1920s boom and the crash of 1929.
Keywords Used:
Roaring 20s
1920s economic boom
1920s why boom://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=1920s+why+boom&btnG=Google+Search |