<I have found data that breakdowns sports participation by type of
sport, geographic region, age and sex.
According to Datamonitor, the U.S. sports market is worth $50 billion.
The sporting goods industry is worth $50 billion at wholesale. In 2003
sales are predicted to rise by 2.92% to reach $50.5 billion.
The youth sports playing population numbers 59 million.
Participation in various sports.
Bowling 55 million
Basketball 40 million players
Baseball participation is declining.
Fitness 35 million
Golf 30 million
Soccer 18 million
Skating 26 million
Skateboarding 12.5 million
There will be growth in the mature market for ages 55+ of almost 40%
from 2000-2010.
The Soccer Industry Council of America (SICA) publishes the National
Soccer Participation Survey. It gives details of trends in 61 sports.
The participation in sports is split into the various age groups and
geographical areas.
There is greater participation of females in soccer. They represent
45% of all players and 47% of frequent
It is predicted that the womens sector will grow to represent 50% of
the total U.S. market.
Sports participation in America is a 32 page report reviewing sports
participation in the U.S. It reviews trends in 100 sporting
activities. For non member of SGMA it costs $495.
High school sports participation.
Texas has the highest rate of participation with 771,663 participating
in high school sports. Numbers are also given for nine other states. A
breakdown is given of the numbers participating in football,
basketball, track and field, volleyball, softball, soccer, cross
country, tennis, wrestling, cross country, golf and swimming and
The National Sporting Goods Association produces a state by state
participation index. In Texas, the index for running/jogging is 122
which means that there is a greater a rate of participation in this
sport than the national average (100).
Participation by sport for ages 7 and over. The percentage change in
participation is also given.
The change in participation for the period 1997 to 2002.
Youth participation with comparisons to 1992.
There are further breakdown of participation by sex.
Fitness equipment purchases by age and gender.
Further info about consumer purchases.
Potential market.
In 2003 $56 million was distributed to 256 school districts and other
organisations to purchase sports/fitness equipment and to train
teachers for innovative physical education programs.
The department of education publishes lists of recipients of the
grants. http://www.ed.gov/programs/whitephysed/grants2003.doc>
<Search strategy:>
<"participation in sport" usa>
<sport participation by state>
<"participation in sport" usa million>
<Hope this helps.> |