Hello again Ceci!
Here are the results of my research for data and statistics for usage
of handheld devices or PDAs by students in higher education.
Wireless Networking in Higher Education (101 pages)
February 2002
This research study from the Educause Center for Applied Research
provides an analysis of wireless networking and is based on an
analysis of responses from nearly 400 colleges and universities in the
United States and Canada.
This report provides institutional decision makers with the rate of
adoption of wireless networking and wireless standards in higher
education, key practices associated with wireless, satisfaction with
wireless networking, and plans for the future. This study provides
empirical data regarding spending patterns, attitudes, performance
benchmarks, and peer expectations.
This is the only survey that makes a distinction between "handhelds"
and PDAs.
Devices used for accessing wireless networks.
Current and Planned Use
Device Total Add in 24 months
PDAs 39% 27%
Handheld Devices 9% 22%
Device Doctoral Add in 24 months
PDAs 53% 38%
Handheld Devices 16% 25%
Device Masters Add in 24 months
PDAs 40% 17%
Handheld Devices 8% 24%
Device Bachelors Add in 24 months
PDAs 24% 32%
Handheld Devices 5% 18%
Device Associate Add in 24 months
PDAs 21% 25%
Handheld Devices 4% 21%
Data for Laptop Computers, Desktop Computers and Cellular Phones can
be found on table 1-3, on page 13 of this publication. I highly
recommend that you read through this publication in its entirety as
it contains a wealth of detailed information.
Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)
Upoc, in conjunction with Frank N. Magid & Associates, conducts
ongoing research on the exploding U.S. mobile market
Snapshot of the U.S. Wireless Market: February, 2002
- 9% of 18-24 year olds own a PDA
The College-Aged Mobile Market: 16.5 Million
Price drops in mobile service have in many cases made mobile phones
cheaper than students campus lines. This trend among others has led
to some impressive penetration rates:
61.2% own a mobile phone
6% own a two-way pager
9% own a PDA
10% already use the wireless internet
The Pennsylvania State University - FACAC Student Survey 2002
Personal digital assistant ownership:
15% own a personal digital assistant
Of those:
15% use their PDA to communication with web
58% take notes in class
25% use it to email
17%would like to take a training seminar on to better use their PDA
The higher the class standing, the more likely students are to own a
Males are more likely than females to own a PDA.
This survey also provides results for computer, laptop and cell phone
ownership. You can check out the results of the study at the following
Pennsylvania State University
The Pennsylvania State University
FACAC Part-Time Undergraduate Student Survey 2003
Personal Digital Assistant Ownership
18% own a Personal Digital Assistant.
Of these,
22% use their PDA to communicate with the web
39% take notes in class
25% access email
29% would like to take a training seminar on how to better use their
The higher the class standing, the more likely students are to own a
PDA. Males are more likely than females to own a PDA.
You can check out the results of the study at the following link:
Pennsylvania State University
2003 UW-Madison Student Computing Survey
UW-Madison Student Computing Survey Report (32 pages)
This survey saw ownership levels of cell phones, PDAs and laptops
continue to increase.
There continue to be large gender differences in ownership of
particular IT products. While females were more likely to be cell
phone owners than males (71% vs. 58%), males rather than females
tended to own PDAs (26% vs. 12%).
PDA Ownership (Page 7)
Personal Digital Assistant
2000 3.8%
2001 11.6%
2002 14.5%
2003 17.8%
University of Wisconsin - Madison
The University of Wisconsin - Faculty and staff ownership survey
February 27, 2003
Faculty and staff ownership and use of such mobile technology devices
as laptops, PDAs and cell phones are at an all-time high at
- PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) ownership continued steady growth
from 10% just two years ago to 22% this year.
- 40% of faculty and staff own a laptop - up from 25% last year.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Here are a few more University surveys.
St. Olaf IIT 2002-03 Student Survey
Last year St. Olaf started to track the number of students who owned
Personal Digital Assistants, such as Visors, Palms, etc.
Last year 8% of the student body reported that they brought a PDA to
campus with them. This year that number has jumped to 11%.
The sophomore class entered St. Olaf with 8% of the students
reporting that they owned a PDA. Now, 13% of this class is using a
St. Olaf College: Information and Instructional Technologies
Colorado State University
Technology Literate Students - Results from a Survey
Author Karen Kaminski, Pete Seel, and Kevin Cullen
Organization EDUCAUSE
Year 2003
A survey of freshman students at Colorado State University measured
their self-determined ability to use technology.
Freshman Hardware Ownership
12% owned a PDA
This statistic can be found on Table 2 page 4 of this publication.
Source: Educause Quarterly 2003
Additional articles that may interest you as well
PDAs mandated for med students
Personal digital assistant joins stethoscope on list of must-have
medical school supplies
Jason C. Hoffmann, who purchased a PDA before his third year of
medical school, estimates that at least 75 percent of his fourth-year
classmates own a PDA.
University of Buffalo Reporter: September 25, 2003
Are Personal Digital Assistants the Next Must-Have Tool?
Colleges experiment with hand-held devices -- with mixed results
Chronicle of Higher Education: October 11, 2002
An interesting article that appeared in the November 2002 issue of
Syllabus Magazine,
Handheld Devices: Toward a More Mobile Campus by Mary A.C. Fallon
provides additional data.
Mary Fallon is an independent industry analyst, with expertise in
handheld computing.
"Handhelds havent hit mainstream yet," says Mike Lorion, vice
president of education for Palm Inc. "They are still building
momentum. Mainstream is a couple of years away." Palm, which has
garnered the lions share of handheld sales to college students,
faculty, and institutions, estimates sales to higher education climbed
10 to 15 percent over last year despite a slow economy.
About one-fifth of the countrys 125 medical colleges require their
third- and fourth-year medical students to use handheld computers.
In August, the University of Louisville, School of Medicine became
the first medical school to provide all of its 594 medical students
with the mobile devices (Palm m500s).
You may read the complete article here:
Syllabus Magazine
2003 Mobile Lifestyle Survey
Although this survey is not directly related to college students, it
is interesting, as it illustrates trends among those who regularly
carry and use a personal digital assistant (PDA).
AvantGo http://www.avantgo.com/products/solutions/pdfs/mobile_lifestyle_survey.pdf
Today's Dorm Rooms Are Filled With Digital Gadgetry
Julio Ojeda-Zapata
Knight-Ridder Tribune
Handheld computers or "personal digital assistants" are becoming
popular among college students, too. The Best Buy survey found that
some 11 percent of students now use PDAs.
The New Hampshire Online - Arts
An article in Virtual Medical Worlds Monthly states:
Today, more than 20 percent of residency programs in the United
States require their residents to use PDAs. Many provide their
residents with a stipend with which to purchase software and tools for
the PDAs.
Virtual Medical Worlds Monthly: 16 September 2002
The University of South Dakota was ranked 10th in the Princeton
Review's list of The Top 25 Most Connected Campuses published on
40 percent of students at the U use handheld computers.
University of South Dakota: October 6, 2003
The Virginia Commonwealth University provides a PDA Medicine site for
their students.
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine PDA Medicine site
Links to PDA Projects at Virginia Commonwealth University
A University of Buffalo survey is located on a page in the Google
2002-03 Student IT Survey
Page 2 - PDA Ownership Trends
Computing and Information Technology (CIT) at University of Buffalo
( This link does not always function but I was able access this page
one time)
Search Criteria:
* percent of college students use a handheld device
PDA ownership college students
PDA ownership by age group
Handheld device ownership on campus
PDA survey college
personal digital assistants
PDA ownership survey student
I hope the above information helps you in your research. If anything
is unclear, please let me know and I'll be glad to offer further
Best Regards,
Bobbie7-ga |