Hey There!
I spent quite a bit of time browsing your site and decided that the
following topics should be considered:
1. First impression
The site is elegant and professionally designed. Just by the look of
the web site, I consider the company to be professional and that's
important because it builds customer confidence in the company. At
first glance everything looks real nice.
2. Ease of use
The web site is relatively easy to use, and I don't think that being
tech-aware is necessary. The average web user should do just fine
getting about.
3. Links
Everything that works is described in section 5 below. Everything else
works just fine. If you need any clarifications, please be specific
and I'll do my best.
4. Errors
A. When viewing a particular product, there's a spelling error in one
of the graphical links. Take this page, for example:
The "Compatability" link should be "Compatibility". Upon clicking on
the link, the error shows up once again on the "Compatability" page
itself, and appears in the browser title bar with a spelling error.
From what I see, this happens on all of those type of pages.
B. On the page listed below, I've located a total of three errors:
-Under the first product listed, the "Executive 3 Elite Amplifier" the
word "Independant" should read "Independent".
-When clicking on "View Details" for the "Executive 3 Elite
Amplifier", the "Accessories" page shows up, instead of "Product
-Selecting appropriate checkboxes and clicking "Compare" doesn't work
in Opera 7.11, but it works in Internet Explorer.
C. The page below lacks product images and shows up as a red "X" in
Internet Explorer:
D. Take a look at the following page:
The red header says, "Wireless Headsets sorted..." and should say
"Wireless Accessories sorted...".
NOTE: I found the same issue with "Cellular Headsets" and "Cellular
E. The "Wireless Recommendations" page isn't working. I get a "Zero
Sized Reply" error.
F. Once again, no pictures for some items here:
G. In the "Buyer's Guide" drop-down menu, the "The Right One" link
doesn't work under Opera 7.11.
H. There are no "Frequent Questions" and there is no "Site Map", which
I'm sure you're aware of.
I. Although I found that "Live Help" works from most parts of the
service, the link is inaccessible here:
J. Initiation of the search function gives: Bad Format File: No row
definition. I'm sure you're aware of this as well.
5. Suggestions
a. I personally find that in most cases, sorting by "Connector"
doesn't get me anywhere. This is because the connector type isn't
listed anywhere in the list of items that are sorted. In any case, I
believe it would be useful to list the connector type in the short
b. In the "Buyer's Guide" drop-down menu, Staff Pics is really
unnecessary, since it is also in the "Company" menu under "Staff
Profiles".It's simply redundant.
c. A picture is worth a thousand words, and on the "Wireless
Accessories" page, not all of the products listed have pictures beside
them. I personally enjoy eye candy, and I'm more likely to click on a
link if I can see what something looks like. Thus, the products with
pictures get the advantage.
6. Comments (Positive [+], Neutral [N], Negative [-])
[+] When listing headsets, I found that the possibility of sorting by
category (Popularity, Manufacturer, Price, Application, Style) to be
[+] I like the fact that lists are not limited and list all the
available items without forcing me to load the "Next 10" items or so.
I'm patient enough to wait for the page to load. That's just my
preference though.
[+] The idea of having the 800 number on the first page that a future
customer might open is a very good one. Not everyone likes the idea of
shopping online, and sometimes one has to locate a specific link for
contact information.
[N] I've never really used headphones that often, but the cordless
ones which you can use around the house instead of the telephone
handset seem really nice. Same goes for the ones that connect to a
cellular phone.
[N] Consider expanding to external markets.
Well, that's about all I've found. Hopefully this satisfies your
pmrozik-ga |