Hello don0987,
The following article indicates that the chief architect of the World
Trade Center, Minoru Yamasaki, also designed the window washing rig:
"Yamasaki was afraid of heights and decided in order to make everyone
feel secure while they worked in the offices, the windows, set between
columns, would be just 18 inches across, narrower than Yamasaki's own
shoulder span.
The height-sensitive architect also designed a special window rig for
Roko Camaj, who'd been washing tower windows since 1975."
"New York's most disliked building?" [page 3], by Eric Boehlert (Sept.
17, 2001)
Mr. Camaj worked for ABM Industries of Manhasset, NY, and died in the
attack, as did several other ABM employees.
"September 11 - A Memorial" [listed by employer]
Perhaps ABM Industries can assist you in obtaining further information
about the equipment.
ABM Industries Incorporated
The most specfic information I found is on a page containing four
pictures of the equipment, viewed from the opposite tower. (As the
page notes, you can click on each picture for a larger version; you
can then move the cursor to the right corner and click on the symbol
that should appear to get an even larger version.) This page states:
"... notice the man standing in an odd looking contraption. That was
the automated window washer. The entire thing moved around the top of
the building on a track. If you look below the telescope on the
bottom right side of the picture you will see the actual washing
apparatus going down the side of the building. It took the machine
one week to wash all the windows on one side. Thus each tower's
windows were washed about every other month."
"The World Trade Center Observation Deck North View"
John's World Trade Center Tribute
You can see a different view of the equipment in the middle of this
page. Again, you can click on the picture for a larger version.
"New York City 1999"
Eye In The Tropics
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott
Search terms used on Google, Google Images, and Ixquick:
"world trade center"
"window washing"
"window washer"
"roko camaj"
"abm industries" |