Hi Petardo!
Here is a description of the commercial.
In "Fish," a goldfish watches a PBS nature program from inside his
bowl. Suddenly motivated by what he sees, he makes a series of
astonishing leaps that take him on a journey fraught with danger and
heroics. His final destination makes it clear why he would risk life
and limb: he joins a group of salmon swimming upstream, not unlike
those he was earlier watching on TV. The conclusion: "Be More
United Entertainment Media, Inc
You may download the Fish commercial from this direct link:
"Fish" 10.1 MB MPEG Movie
United Entertainment Media, Inc
The Fish Commercial won a 2003 Primetime Emmy.
Fish, a Be more spot that depicts a goldfish emboldened by a PBS
nature show to leap courageously from its bowl, won a 2003 Primetime
Emmy for best commercialunprecedented recognition for a PBS image
Current Org
Search criteria:
Goldfish commercial +salmon
PBS goldfish commercial
I hope you find this helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |