I believe I've located just the sort of jar you're seeking. After
having looked at the jar I mentioned in my clarification request, I
noticed that it does not appear to be tilted forward at an angle, as
you mentioned in your description. Here, however, is a jar that I
think will meet your needs in every way. The one-gallon size is sold
in a case of 4, for $14.29 plus shipping:
"Glass Hex Jar Is Angled For Easier Access
Durable metal covers and angled bottom provide variety of display
options with 4" and 3"Dia openings... Made of glass. 4 per case."
Hubert Company: Glass Hex Jar
This is the combination of search terms that led me to the Hubert
Company's site:
Google Web Search: glass+jar+candy+tilt+hex
If this jar is unsuitable in any way, please request clarification,
and I'll be glad to resume the quest.
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |
Request for Answer Clarification by
22 Oct 2003 11:52 PDT
The one in the picturelooks like the one I am looking for. The Hubert
Co. Item is made by Anchor Hocking and Not the one I am Looking for
--As the sides are not perfectly flat and the top is a bit more
rounded. Also the illustration shows the jar in upright position-some
illustrations show it this way--but it can usually be tilted forward
as the hex design allows for that--- Monte
Request for Answer Clarification by
22 Oct 2003 11:55 PDT
A bit more ---Keep track of your time on this---we are going beyond
what is reasonable to you ---so keep searching and and give me an idea
of how we can fairly compensate you for your time---
Clarification of Answer by
22 Oct 2003 13:30 PDT
Hello again, antiquecat!
There is a hexagonal gallon jar described as an "Apothecary Jar" on
this site:
Vegan Mercantile
This looks to me very much like the jar on the Hubert Company site,
but after an additional hour of searching, it is the only other
possibility I could find online, other than single offerings of
antique jars.
I emailed a friend who used to operate a bulk candy store in Branson,
Missouri. She told me that the old-fashioned jars with sharply angled
hexagonal sides have been superseded by jars with more rounded sides,
probably because of concern about possible injuries to customers and
the legal consequences thereof. Old time candy shop owners didn't have
to worry that little Johnny might bump his forehead on a jar, and then
little Johnny's parents would sue for megabucks.
You may want to request a refund so that you will not be charged for
my answer. If you opt to repost your question, perhaps another Google
Answers Researcher will be able to find precisely what you need.
To apply for a refund, click here:
Best wishes,
Request for Answer Clarification by
22 Oct 2003 15:23 PDT
Why would I want to request a refund---You obviously worked on this
as I did for some time. THANK YOU for your efforts ---Monte Gorman
Clarification of Answer by
22 Oct 2003 16:04 PDT
Thanks so much for your kind words. Although I'm pretty much tapped
out in the area of online search efforts, I have sent several emails
to possible sources of information about the availability of
forward-opening hexagonal jars in quantity; I'll let you know if I
learn anything further. So far the only email that has been returned
was the one to my friend who owned a candy shop in Branson. The "plus"
side of that email is that she says she'll send me a Jelly Belly
sampler. You never know what side-effects will occur as the result of
a Google Answers research project! ;-)
Have you thought about using upright hex jars, and building or buying
some sort of stand that would hold them tilted frontward at the
desired angle?
Request for Answer Clarification by
23 Oct 2003 05:01 PDT
They would work---But I cant find any 1gal --Monte
Clarification of Answer by
23 Oct 2003 11:19 PDT
Just wanted to let you know that I received a response on another of
my email inquiries. No joy: my correspondent suggested Anchor Hocking.