Hello wim58-ga,
There is a tremendous amount of information available on this topic.
The use of software to simulate biological processes in silico is
making it possible to enhance and speed up many types of research
projects. Simulation software is one aspect of bioinformatics and some
of the vendors emphasize their bioinformatics capabilities.
Following the format of your two questions, Ive identified a
collection of vendors and consultants selling simulation software as
well as a large variety of resources to help you review and evaluate
the current trends in this field.
I trust that this research will meet your needs. Please dont hesitate
to ask for clarification if anything Ive provided is confusing.
I wish you well with your research.
~ czh ~
Entelos is the leader in predictive biosimulation.
Entelos partners with pharmaceutical and biotech organizations
worldwide to develop effective new treatments for disease and
dramatically reduce the time and cost needed to develop them.
Using our patented PhysioLab technology, Entelos develops dynamic
large-scale computer models of human disease. Each PhysioLab provides
a framework for integrating data (including genomic, proteomic,
physiologic, and environmental) in the context of a disease, with a
focus on understanding and determining clinical responses to potential
treatment. We build and customize our PhysioLab systems using
thousands of peer-reviewed papers, the expertise of our world-class
advisory boards, and the proprietary information of our collaborators.
Access to Entelos technology and expertise is available through R&D
partnerships, research agreements, licenses, and strategic alliances.
Entelos currently offers PhysioLab systems for asthma, obesity,
diabetes, and adipocytes, and provides integrated expertise in the
areas of metabolism, immunology, and respiratory. We plan to expand
our in silico R&D capabilities, based on our PhysioLab technology, to
a wide variety of disease areas.
Genomatica, a leading innovator of in silico, computationally-based
systems biology, is addressing large-market opportunities by building
and applying proprietary cellular-level models to accelerate the
process of identifying and producing new and more efficacious drugs,
chemical and agricultural products, and to enable biological discovery
through the use of computationally-based integrated cellular models
that simulate living systems.
Corporate Profile
A solution to understanding the complexity of biological systems lies
in Genomatica's computationally-based, in silico models that enable
virtual experimentation and simulation of cells.
In Silico Biosciences, Inc.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
E-mail insilico@mindspring.com for demo passwords and other
Custom Target and Drug Screens
for Simulated Systemic Effects
Virtual Synaptic Clefts
Virtual Synaptic Crosstalks
Virtual Synaptic Brain Slices
Developed, Owned, and Operated by In Silico Biosciences, Inc.,
Lexington, Massachusetts
e-mail: insilico@mindspring.com
***** You have to get a password to access the site.
Following Physiome's acquisition of and merger with Predix
Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., details of the merged company can be found at
Predix Pharmaceuticals
The Predix Drug Discovery Platform
Predix has developed a set of unique, integrated, cutting-edge
proprietary technologies that accelerate the process of novel drug
discovery for GPCR targets, allowing Predix to determine the 3D
structure of any GPCR, to screen for novel compounds binding this
GPCR, to optimize its lead drug candidates, and to advance them into
clinical trials.
While random high throughput screening (HTS) is currently used
throughout the pharmaceutical industry, Predix is the first to be able
to do rational, 3D-structure based drug discovery for GPCRs.
CardioPrism -- Combines our proprietary suite of
experimentally-detailed cardiac cell and tissue models with a
simulation and database platform to evaluate compounds of all
therapeutic classes for adverse effects on the heart, including their
ability to prolong QT interval and cause arrhythmia. Using
pharmacology data from ion channel studies, these models can simulate
drug effects on the cardiac action potential across species and
against different genetic and disease backgrounds. CardioPrism allows
scientists to select a desired drug, concentration, and experimental
conditions, then run a set of simulations to examine the effects on
the cardiac action potentials typically measured in preclinical in
vitro studies.
Virtual hits with high scores are sent for affinity studies and
confirmed as lead compounds. Selected lead compounds are then
optimized using additional Predix technologies.
Simulations Plus, inc.
Simulations Plus, Inc. is the leading developer of Absorption,
Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion (ADME) neural net and
simulation software for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology
industries today. The Companys software allows pharmaceutical
scientists to predict certain key potential drug dynamics, such as
absorption, in silico, thereby eliminating multi-million dollar
clinical trial failures and speeding up the time to market of
effective new medications.
LION bioscience AG
Current tools to evaluate compound pharmacokinetics are too slow,
inefficient, unpredictive, and cost ineffective to estimate
bioavailability at the lead optimization stage.
To help overcome these hurdles, LION bioscience introduces the
Absorption Module for the iDEA (In Vitro Determination for the
Estimation of ADME) Simulation System.
iDEA is a computational model developed to predict human oral drug
absorption from a compound's solubility and permeability.
D r . M i c h a e l W u l k o w Computing in Technology GmbH
C o n c e p t s
CiT's simulation packages offer an integrated and open environment to
describe the interactions between the components of a chemical
process. Pre-defined modules and reaction patterns with flexible
interfaces to user-defined functions and expressions allow the easy
input of classical models as well as the development of really new
ideas. Our aim is to increase the reusability of developed models and
to prevent the permanent "re-invention of the wheel" a model and its
description should live longer than a project. All packages are
equipped with a very comfortable user-interface. The user should
concentrate on the modeling of processes, the dynamic derivation and
solution of complex equations is our task. All results are presented
in online-graphs during simulation or optimization runs. Import and
export of results and data in text files or via the COM-interface
ensure the communication with other program packages (CiT's software
products can be used both as OLE-server and as OLE-client). All
implemented numerical algorithms include self-adaptive grid and
time-step controls based on robust error-control mechanisms. They lead
to convincing solutions, convincing both in efficiency and in
accuracy. There are numerous examples where CiT solvers have provided
first-time or reference solutions. CiT products are written in C++ and
have a very concise software architecture. We are proud that our
complex and powerful program packages can still be sent by email in a
few minutes.
Every product configuration is custom-tailored according to the
customer's requirements. By this way our modularized packages are at
the same time flexible, expandable and attractive. University versions
are available at special conditions. Of course, we also offer the
development of special program extensions.
AP Benson Ltd. Management Consultancy
FamilyGenetix is a software company, originally known as Cherwell
Scientific, founded in 1989. This company acted as an incubator for
several businesses founded on the development and exploitation of
scientific and medical software.
AP Benson are providing management and business development support to
FamilyGenetix. FamilyGenetix continues to market its core applications
(Cyrillic, ModelMaker and Modelmanager). AP Benson are working with
FamilyGenetix to develop capabilities that extend the CyrillicSoftware
Accelrys is the leading provider of simulation and informatics
software and services to R&D organizations in the pharmaceutical,
biotechnology, and chemicals industries.
Pharmaceutical Industries
Solutions for the Pharmaceutical, BioTech, and Agrochemical Industries
Our simulation and informatics solutions are relevant to every step of
the drug discovery and development process. From sequence analysis and
target validation, through in silico ADME/Tox and ligand fitting, to
crystallization and formulation design, we provide leading scientific
decision support tools to accelerate each step of your research. Visit
our library of case studies for recent examples of our solutions in
Acsys Biometrics
Acsys Biometrics is a joint venture AND Corporation, inventor and
developer of Holographic / Quantum Neural Technology (HNeT) and NEXUS
Group International, Inc. (TSX:NXS) the parent company of Acsys.
AND Corporation
AND Corporation is a leading R&D firm that has developed and
commercialized a new technological field referred to as Biomimetic
Intelligence. This technology models primary aspects of the brain,
down to specific cell types and cell assembly structures. The
underlying process is based upon a radically new form of artificial
neural systems referred to as Holographic / Quantum Neural Technology
NEXUS is an organization that is set to redefine world-leading
industries through its investments in technology companies
particularly through its interests in Acsys Biometrics Corp. and
iView Systems.
AM Technologies, Inc
Primary mission is to develop and market most sophisticated software
and solutions for molecular design work in the pharmaceutical,
chemical and biotechnology industries for the purpose of designing
novel chemical entities.
Intelligen, Inc.
INTELLIGEN is the leading supplier of simulation and design tools for
the biotech, specialty chemical, pharmaceutical , mineral processing,
and food and consumer goods industries. Our environmental and water
purification simulation tools are changing the rules of those markets
and quickly gaining acceptance.
Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
SuperPro Designer is the leading process simulator in the biotech
industry. It is used throughout the Life Cycle of Product Development
and Commercialization to facilitate process optimization, cycle time
reduction, improve team collaboration, and shorten the time to market.
The development of SuperPro Designer was initiated at the
Biotechnology Process Engineering Center (BPEC) of MIT (in the late
1980's) and completed by INTELLIGEN (in the mid 1990's).
BioInformatics Services
Computational Tools for Biological Complexity
BioInformatics Services (BIS) is a biotechnology consulting firm
specializing in applying the power of computational biology to build
solutions to complex biological and data analysis problems faced by
scientists in public and private research institutes, biotechnology
companies, and universities.
Modeling and Computational Biology Services - Integrative
We find that some potential clients want to maintain a detailed
understanding of all the computational steps taken in data analysis
and model formulation and testing. These clients are interested in,
and have time for, their own hands-on involvement in the computational
biology. Our service to such clients includes the education and
training necessary to establish integrative bioinformatics and
advanced modeling techniques among their laboratory's core
Other clients prefer to stay focused on experimental work or on
whatever else is their core skill. They see the power of computational
tools, but cannot spare the time required to become expert in the
methods of modern computational biology. Neither can they afford to
hire a full-time staff person with expertise in this area. Such
clients often choose complete outsourcing of their modeling and
integrative bioinformatics work, relying on detailed project reports
or BIS-written technical sections of their papers submitted for
publication for documentation of the approach we take and the
solutions we reach.
Applied Maths
Applied Maths develops professional software for the biosciences.
Areas of specialization are pattern matching algorithms, clustering
and identification methods, and exploration tools for massive datasets
such as microarrays and genechips.
Amersham Biosciences
Amersham Biosciences is a world leader in developing systems and
solutions for disease research, drug discovery, drug development, and
drug manufacture. We are committed to helping our customers unravel
life's smallest secrets to achieve some of life's biggest advances.
Our 50,000 customers include pharmaceutical, biotechnology and
agrochemical companies, as well as research institutes, universities,
and medical research centers.
Tripos is a leading provider of discovery chemistry, integrated
discovery software products, software consulting services, and
discovery research services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology,
agrochemical, and other life sciences industries. The company combines
information technology and scientific research to optimize and
accelerate molecular research for the discovery of new products by
Helix is a research group of INRIA Rhône-Alpes.
INRIA (« Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
Automatique ») is the French national research institute in computer
science and control.
The 40 members of the Helix research group are computer scientists
and/or biologists doing research in bioinformatics. They are working
at Montbonnot (near Grenoble) and Villeurbanne (near Lyon). Grenoble
and Lyon are the first two main cities of the Rhône-Alpes region
(France), they are distant 100 km one from the other.
***** See links to Software and Databases
in silico
adjective. In a virtual environment, such as a computer simulation.
Example Citation:
"Now, with the human genetic code at last published and loaded onto
CD-ROMs and DVDs, scientists are talking about a new era of medicine
in which medical discoveries will be made not 'in vivo' (in life) or
'in vitro' (in test tubes), but 'in silico,' or on computers."
Rick Weiss, "A New Genetic Window on Curing Diseases," The Washington
Post, February 11, 2001
Physiome Project
The major long-range goal of the Physiome Project is to understand and
describe the human organism, its physiology and pathophysiology
quantitatively, and to use this understanding to improve human health.
Insight will be gained also from the physiomes of other organisms,
from bacteria to mammals.
The Project will provide information to the worldwide community of
scientists, medical health professionals, teachers, and industry in
the form of functional descriptions of human and other biological
systems in health and disease.
(Description of Physiome Project)
The Physiome Project is more than science: it is education,
exploration, archiving, disseminating, and databasing. Inherent to the
Project are the notions of effective collaboration and the free
exchange of information: the data, the concepts, and descriptions of
biological elements, processes, and models will be accessible publicly
via the Internet.
***** This is a major portal site that will help you continue your
research into this industry.
E-Cell Project
What's E-Cell Project?
E-Cell Project is an international research project aiming to model
and reconstruct biological phenomena in silico, and developing
necessary theoretical supports, technologies and software platforms to
allow precise whole cell simulation.
Although most of the project members are faculty and students of the
Institute of Advanced Biosciences at Keio University, our work is
accomplished through collaborations with other universities and
research institutes. Development of software and modeling environment,
simulation algorithm, and mathematical analysis is done concurrently
with various different modeling projects such as the erythrocyte
metabolism, bacterial signal transduction, and mitochondrion
What's E-Cell System?
E-Cell System is an object-oriented software suite for modeling,
simulation, and analysis of large scale complex systems such as
biological cells. The first version of E-Cell Simulation Environment
(E-Cell SE) was released in 1999, after which the development of its
Windows version, E-Cell version 2, had started and recently released.
Software development has since shifted to developing version 3,
restructuring the system with an aim to provide the cell simulation
community a common, highly flexible and high performance software
E-Cell is an OpenSource project. Anyone can modify and re-distribute
the software, provided that its license, GPL (GNU General Public
License), is not violated. The software environment is being developed
by members of the E-Cell Consortium, of which members include Mitsui
Knowledge Industry Co.,Ltd., Intec Web and Genome Informatics
Corporation, Mitsubishi Space Software Co., Ltd., and others.
The National Simulation Resource for Transport, Metabolism and
Reaction creates, collects and disseminates material of interest to
biological modelers.
Here you will find simulation systems (JSim and XSIM), models (BTEX,
GENTEX and others), documentation, tutorials, general information
about modeling and simulation, citations of both online and offline
publications, listings of events and other news, abstracts and
In silico experiments with complete bacterial genomes
This site has been developed by Dr. Joseba Bikandi and co-workers in
the Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty
of Pharmacy, in the University of the Basque Country. At this moment
no article has been publish which describes this site (under review).
EBI Industry Support Programme
The European Bioinformatics Institute is an academic research and
service organisation, building and making available databases of
information relevant to biological research and carrying out research
in computational molecular biology. However, its efforts are directed
not only to the needs of the academic community - it also serves
European industry, particularly in the biotechnological, chemical,
agricultural and pharmaceutical sectors.
In-silico Screening for Anthrax Toxin Inhibitors
Intel, Microsoft, United Devices, the Department of Chemistry at the
University of Oxford and the National Foundation for Cancer Research
(NFCR) ask computer users around the world to join with them in the
Anthrax Research Project, an international effort designed to help
scientists develop a treatment for the Anthrax toxin.
Biosilico 2003, October 23-24, Stanford University
This is Scientific American's third-annual symposium on this topic.
Its mission in hosting this event has remained the same throughout the
history of the event:
The goal of the BioSilico Symposium Series is to provide a high-level
forum on the future directionsand likely impactof the convergence of
Information Technology and the Life Sciences. This invitation-only
event seeks to bring together decision makers from biotech and
pharmaceutical companies, the computer industry, academia, law firms,
and the investment community to discuss and debate the future of this
industry. Through the medium of this Symposium Series, Scientific
American extends its reach beyond the magazine page by providing a
unique venue for advancing innovation.
Drug Discovery Technology Conferences
Event News
Note: DDT 2003 info - Conference Handbooks are available for this past
Mark Your Calendar: Drug Discovery Technology® 2004: August 8-13, 2004
The Hynes Convention Center · Boston, MA
The World's Drug Discovery Meeting Place
IBC's Annual Drug Discovery Technology® World Congress is the premiere
event for drug discovery researchers and business executives to
evaluate and understand the latest advances and information in drug
discovery. In addition to a scientific conference with over 125
speakers, this event features the world's largest drug discovery
exhibit hall, showcasing the newest technologies, instrumentation, and
products that are driving the drug discovery field.
***** See also the links to the European and Asia-Pacific conferences.
Drug Discovery Today Publications is part of the Reed-Elsevier suite
of resources for the pharma/biotech market place Following the
outstanding success of Drug Discovery Today we are extending this into
a family to include a series of Drug Discovery Today Publications.
In June 2002, the Editorial team from Drug Discovery Today launched a
new review journal, called 'TARGETS: Applications of genomics &
proteomics' (A Drug Discovery Today Publication).
In early 2003, the Editorial team from Drug Discovery Today are going
to launch their latest review journal: 'BIOSILICO: Information
Technology in Drug Discovery' (A Drug Discovery Today Publication).
***** You can sign up at this site for free subscriptions to these
trade publications.
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
AAPS Pharmaceutica is the Web portal for the American Association of
Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), a professional, scientific society
of more than 10,000 members employed in academia, industry, government
and other research institutes worldwide.
February 3-4, 2004, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London
Information Systems and Technology for Life Sciences
InfoTechPharma is the unique world meeting for information technology
specialists and R&D professionals working in the pharmaceutical and
biotechnology industries.This long-established conference is the de
facto, definitive, annual assessment of the state-of-the art of
informatics within the industry. It taps into the real concerns facing
business leaders namely the challenges of enhancing creativity,
improving productivity and driving efficiency.
Bioinformation Systems e.V.
Association for the Promotion of Data Utilization in Molecular Biology
In Silico Biology
An International Journal on Computational Molecular Biology
***** This journals archives are available online and the full
articles can be downloaded.
IEEE Portal
***** A search for bioinformatics brought up 600+ hits. This site
might be a good resource for further exploration.
American Chemical Society
The American Chemical Society is a self-governed individual membership
organization that consists of more than 163,000 members at all degree
levels and in all fields of chemistry. The organization provides a
broad range of opportunities for peer interaction and career
development, regardless of professional or scientific interests.
B2B > Scientific Software
Directory > Business and Economy > Business to Business > Scientific >
***** You can browse this directory of software vendors to explore
additional vendors of simulation products.
Biotechnology Information Directory
The WWW Virtual Library -- Software
A public service of Cato Research Ltd.
***** This directory offers a very extensive list of companies under
Informatics, Statistics, Simulations, Data Visualization and Other
YOU ARE HERE: Home > Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology > Software
***** This is a huge collection of links to all aspects of biotech
software, not just biomedical simulation.
BioPortfolio is the essential web resource for people with an interest
in the who, what, where, when and why biotechnology will impact on our
lives. We have created proprietary databases and search engines that
will support your business and private interests in the most exciting
technology of the 21st Century.
Bio IT World Technology for the Life Sciences
***** This is a huge portal site. Searching on <simulation software>
brought highly relevant hits.
U.S. In Silico Simulation of Biological Systems Markets
Price: $4450
Published on: May 2002
Published by: Frost & Sullivan
Reducing Risk in Clinical Trials Prompts Acceptance of Simulation
With the potential to lower the risk and financial burden of clinical
trials, technologies that use computers to model and simulate
biological systems are revolutionizing the drug discovery field.
Though clinical trials are in no immediate danger of replacement by
simulation technologies, pharmaceutical companies are eagerly adopting
new means of accelerating the drug discovery and development process.
As a result, the "in silico" simulation technologies will quickly
become essential tools in this industry.
This study analyzes the emerging markets for technologies that enable
researchers to model and simulate biological pathways, cells, tissue,
and diseases. It examines upcoming products, pricing strategies, and
competitive pressures. With such in-depth coverage, your company will
be well prepared to capitalize on a burgeoning industry.
***** The extensive Table of Contents will give you an overview of the
issues involved even if you cant afford to buy this very expensive
In Silico Biology
Front Line Strategic Consulting
Price: Hard Copy $3,950.00, Single Site Licence pdf $4,700.00,
Worldwide Licence pdf $5,450.00
175 pp Nov 2002
In silico biology collects data from genomics, functional proteomics,
expression arrays and literature, and integrates all of it into a
single cohesive model that can be used to identify drug targets,
predict lead compounds and the pharmacological value and behavior of
those leads. While the industry is still in its infancy, a key goal is
to conserve time and money by using computer models to run pilot
experiments more quickly and cost-effectively than can be done in a
traditional "wet lab." The ultimate goal for many is the creation of a
virtual patient and, while this may be many years away, the
possibilities of biology simulation are endless and have the
likelihood of saving the industry years of research and millions of
dollars in revenue. The growth rate in this category will more than
double from 2002-2007 with a compound annual growth rate of 50%
worldwide. The current worldwide breakdown is estimated for the U.S.
at 70%, Europe at 20%, Japan at 5% and the rest of the world at 5%.
'In Silico' Simulation of Biological Processes No. 247
Novartis Foundation Symposium
ISBN: 0-470-84480-9, Hardcover 270 pages
November 2002, £75.00 / 112.50
Over recent decades vast amounts of biological data have been
accumulated. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to apply
traditional theoretical methods to the formulation of coherent
pictures of cell and organ function because it is no longer possible
for a human theorist to integrate all of the available information.
Instead, computer technologies must now be used to perform this
integration. This book brings together contributions from many
different fields to summarize the current status of computer-assisted
modelling of biological processes.
Bioinformatics Opportunities: Business models, trends and future
Distributed by : Global Information, Inc.
Published by : Digital Vector, Inc.
US $ 4500, Pub Time: 2003/08
With vast amounts of information being generated due to advancements
in biotechnology, there arises a need to effectively control and
manage the information so generated. Information Technology provides a
mechanism more popularly known as bioinformatics, which facilitates
this process. Information technology (IT) has become a critical factor
in pharmaceutical research and development (R&D). Bioinformatics is
the computer-assisted data management discipline that helps us gather,
analyze, and represent information in order to educate ourselves,
understand life's processes in the healthy and disease states, and
find new or better drugs. This field has exploded out of the world of
molecular biology and the Human Genome Project. Pharmaceutical
companies are achieving increased research efficiency by the
introduction of new approaches to the design, synthesis, screening and
optimization of drug candidates.
***** See the full Abstract and the Table of Contents to get a good
overview of the topics that are key to evaluating this industry.
Computers + Biology = Bioinformatics
The glib answers to the question run something like this:
"Bioinformatics is the intersection of information technology and
biology;" "Bioinformatics is information management for biology;"
"Bioinformatics means tools for data mining in biological databases."
But what does that really mean? Those answers leave open a lot of
questions. "Information technology" and "data mining" don't really
mean a whole lot to a biologist, and they don't convey a sense of the
possibilities that computers create for researchers. And from the
opposite perspective, "biology" doesn't mean a whole lot to a computer
professional. What is it biologists do? What do they want to find out?
How do they go about finding it out? And finally, what are the
benefits of applying information technology to biological research,
and why is bioinformatics such a hot area as a result?
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"in silico" simulation trends
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