Hi cadelac-ga,
With puzzles, sometimes there is more than one possible answer, when
you think about it. In this case, there have been lots of people
named George and David, and lots of relics. For example, Edward VIII
was known as David, and his brother became George VI.
But the more I think about the answer given in the following posting,
the more it sounds right:
Gareth Owen, "David's Buried Relic?", online posting (2003-10-21)
[message 3 in thread]
<rec.games.trivia> via Google Groups
There are other references on the Web to confirm that this relic (the
intercostal clavicle) of David's (the zoologist) was buried by George
(the dog).
"Storytelling Output Report for 'Bringing Up Baby'"
"Bringing Up Baby (1938)"
Yahoo! Movies
This is a well-known film; the details fit the puzzle well; and it's
an amusing answer. So I believe that it's the correct answer! (But
just in case, you can check back with the "David's Buried Relic?"
thread on <rec.games.trivia>, cited above, to see whether there are
other proposed answers.)
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google and Google Groups:
"relic of david"
"intercostal clavicle" "bringing up baby" george david buried [or
buries, or bury] |