Hi Ceci!
Im pleased that my findings are helpful.
I found a few more tidbits of information and a free publication that
you may order by phone or email.
44 Percent of Law Firm Marketers Use PDAs
by Larry Bodine
An informal survey conducted by the Law Marketing Portal web site
showed that 44% of law firm marketers use a Palm, Handspring or other
handheld PDA device.
44% use a Palm, Handspring or other handheld PDA device. 56% don't.
The percentage that uses a handheld is actually higher than among
lawyers in general, so the results say legal marketers are a
tech-friendly crowd.
Palm brand handhelds are the most popular. Of the respondents, 32%
have a Palm V, 13% have an entry-level Palm III, and 6% (including me)
have a wireless Palm VII. Among other brands, 19% have a Handspring
model, which are cheaper than Palm devices and work on the same
operating system. Another 19% use an "other" device. Only 3% have the
wireless BlackBerry email device.
The 2001 AmLawTech survey of the one hundred largest U.S. law firms
found that 88% of the responding firms support the use of handheld
PCs. Lawyers were early users of Palm computing devices and it is
common to see lawyers using these devices in a number of settings.
In a dynamic mobile environment, lawyers are increasingly turning to
wireless Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) to give them access to the
vital information sent in eMails. A common frustration however, is
that the key documentation stored in eMail attachments cannot be
viewed on PDAs.*%25+of+Lawyers+use+PDA&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
Results from the 1999 Legal Technology Survey Report:
Lawyers use of personal digital assistants has grown dramatically over
the past year, with 57 percent of large firm and 18 percent
of small firm lawyers reporting their use, compared to 42 percent and
6 percent respectively in 1998. Calendars, calculators and databases
are the most used PDA software. Only 20 percent of respondents said
they could easily manage their personal and business affairs without
their PDA.
Source: The Nebraska Lawyer December 2000
April 14, 2003
Lawyers tend to use Palm devices; business people tend to favor the
Pocket PC devices (especially when the company pays for them). Palm OS
devices still command approximately 80% of the market.
Dennis Kennedy.com
The Top Mobile Computing Tools for Lawyers:
From Wired to Wireless and Beyond
Dennis Kennedy.com
"More and more of today's attorney's are very mobile and have embraced
the BlackBerry handhelds as their platform of choice," said Jim
Tharpe, president of APS. "
According to Onset, METAmessage, which is used by over 150 law firms
(40+ in the AmLaw 100) and over 1000 enterprise customers, is a
complete out-of-the-box solution for BlackBerry handheld access to the
Rim Road: August 2003
Complimentary Publication
The BTI Tech-Savvy Team for Law Firms 2003:
Lists the 63 individual law firms identified by clients as the most
tech-savvy, as well as what clients want and do not want in
technology from their law firms. Find out who is making the grade with
clients and where they see value in tech-savvy
How to order your BTI publication:
Online Or
Telephone - Call us at (617) 439-0333
Fax (617) 439-9174
Email us at info@bticonsulting.com
The online ordering button is not working right now so you may have to
call to order the publication.
Source: BTI Consulting
I am copying the information from the comment section here in order to
provide you with all the data in one place.
2002 American Bar Association (ABA) Legal Technology Resource Center
Survey Report:
Law Office Technology brings together information regarding the use
of technology by lawyers, including statistics on technology budget
and goals, training and support, security, hardware, software,
websites, e-mail issues, videoconferencing, and much more.
Here is the link to the 15 page Executive Summary.
Check out page 10 and 11 where PDA information is provided.
Legal Technology Surveys and Statistics:
The LTRC regularly performs survey research to assess the use of
technology in the legal community. The Center's annual technology
survey for 2002, covering a wide range of new technologies available
to the legal profession, is now available.
2002 ABA Annual Technology Survey
Over 3000 lawyers in private practice responded to the 2002 survey.
The survey reports are now available for sale. As in 2001, there are
five volumes.
More information about the survey
The 5 survey reports are as follows:
2002 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report: Law Office Technology
432 pages
Law Office Technology brings together information regarding the use
of technology by lawyers, including statistics on technology budget
and goals, training and support, security, hardware, software,
websites, e-mail issues, videoconferencing, and much more.
Regular Price: $700.00
Members: $600.00
2002 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report: Litigation and Courtroom
Technology 220 pages,
Litigation and Courtroom Technology brings together information
regarding the use of technologies by lawyers, including statistics on
technology budget and goals, training and support, security, hardware,
software, courtroom hardware, use of notebook/handheld in the
courtroom, online depositions, electronic filing, electronic
discovery, and much more.
Regular Price: $525.00
Members: $475.00
2002 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report: Web and Communication
Technology 252 pages,
Web and Communication Technology brings together information
regarding the use of communication technologies by lawyers, including
statistics on technology budget and goals, training and support,
security, hardware, software, notebooks/handheld use in the courtroom,
networks/intranets/extranets, videoconferencing, online depositions,
chat rooms, extranets, online meetings,and much more.
Regular Price: $525.00
Members: $475.00
2002 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report: Online Research
262 pages,
Online Research brings together information regarding the use of
technology by lawyers, including statistics on technology budget and
goals, training and support, security, hardware, software,
notebooks/handheld use in the courtroom, online communication, free
and fee-based online legal research, and much more.
Regular Price: $525.00
Members: $475.00
2002 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report: Mobile Lawyers
204 pages,
Mobile Lawyers brings together information regarding the use of
mobile technologies by lawyers, including statistics on technology
budget and goals, training and support, security, hardware, software,
notebooks/handheld use in the courtroom,
networks/intranets/extranets, wireless usage and much more.
Regular Price: $525.00
Members: $475.00
2002 American Bar Association Legal Technology Center Survey Report: 5
Volume Set
Regular Price: $2,100.00
Members: $1,900.00
The Eighth Annual AmLaw Tech Survey, September 2003.
Survey results were compiled from responses provided by 137 law
firms, and address the following categories: document management,
docketing & calendaring, spam defense, litigation support, and
electronic evidence vendors. Additional information on expenditures
related to hardware, software and IT related personnel is provided in
another survey titled The Basics.
Note that the average law firm technology budget for 2003 is almost
$9 million
The Eighth Annual AmLaw Tech Survey
The Basics
Does the firm supply handheld e-mail units to attorneys?
FIRMS 2003 2002
Yes 100 73% 51%
No 37 27% 49%
(137 firms answering)
If yes, which product does the firm use?
FIRMS 2003 2002
BlackBerry 88 88% 84%
Good Technology 10 10% -
Other 2 2% 6%
(100 firms answering)
Here are some interesting articles:
The Matter at Hand
Should companies underwrite personal digital assistants?
Anne Stuart, CFO IT
June 16, 2003
At Schottenstein Zox & Dunn, a large law firm based in Columbus,
Ohio, CIO Ken Illgen says the devices help bridge two gaps: one
between older and younger attorneys and one between the firm and its
Most new attorneys, typically in their 20s or 30s, came into the firm
already using PDAs instead of paper for scheduling, note-taking, and
even storing copies of documents and memos to carry to court. In
contrast, older attorneys still carried around appointment books,
correspondence-packed files, court documents, and even photocopies of
every card in their Rolodexes.
So far, about 65 percent of the firm's 105 attorneys use PDAs. While
a few partners still prefer seeing everything on paper, Illgen expects
growing client demand to convert even the most technophobic users
within a few years. Meanwhile, he hopes to expand the PDA-stipend
program to the firm's other employees as well.
CFO Magazine
Palm solutions for lawyers
By Ury Fischer
On the Docket - Technolawyer.com: We The Legal Professionals With
Palm Computers
by Robert Rice, Esq. & Warren Whitted, Esq
On the Docket - Lawyers Find New Efficiency in PDAs as Handhelds
Reach Parity with Laptops
by Scott R. Almas
Prior to introducing these high-tech tools to the Maynard attorneys,
a quick poll revealed that they were primarily using only the PDA's
native applications: Address Book, Datebook, To Do List and Memopad.
In fact, 88% of the attorneys interviewed stated that their primary
use for their Palm was for calendaring appointments and deadlines.
Slightly more than half used the address book as the second most
important app. Significantly, with regard to their perceptions of
their Palms as word processing tools, a majority of the attorneys,
63%, considered the memopad application as the third most important
function. Informal discussion revealed that most of the attorneys
either (i) never even considered using their Palms for word processing
or (ii) found that the native memopad application fell so far short of
their needs that it was completely ineffective.
Search criteria:
PDA usage +lawyers
PDA usage +attorneys
PDA usage +law firms
Technology +law firms
Handhelds ownership OR usage lawyers
Handhelds ownership OR usage +attorneys
Handhelds ownership OR usage +law firms
Surveys lawyers technology
Ceci, I hope you find this additional information useful.
Best wishes,
Bobbie7 |