Hi mediatek,
I found three more you can try...
"Mouse Trainer 1.2.2 (866 kB - Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) is a
training program for novice computer users.
Mouse Trainer will quickly train any novice user to use the mouse. It
is ideal for computer training centres and workshops. In about 60
minutes time, a novice computer user can become acquainted with
clicking, double-clicking and dragging, without the intervention of a
Mouse Trainer can be adapted to your own language.
These languages are already included:
* English
* Español (courtesy of Xosé Antón)
* Français (courtesy of André Rombauts)
* Português (courtesy of Rui Fernandes)
* Nederlands
* Catala (courtesy of Isidre Bermúdez/Marta Mans)
* Galego (courtesy of Xosé Antón)
Creative users may design other layouts (and make them available on
this site). A layout creation manual is provided.
Mouse Trainer is freeware!"
• MOUSE PLUS ($69.95, Demo available)
"Mouse Plus+ offers training to physically impaired persons or to
novice mouse users. It is designed to take the user through a series
of increasingly challenging exercises and ends in challenging the
user's skill in an actual application ( a calculator). Mouse Plus+
allows you to limit cursor movement to specific screen areass,
reducing the difficulty of learning to keep a mouse pointer on the
screen. Scores and times for each of 5 levels are provided. A "Cycle"
option is also offered to allow automatic transitions to each level.
You can get Mouse Plus+ FREE with purchase of all Series I or Series
II applications!"
To download Demo go to
• JOYSTICK (AND MOUSE) TRAINER ($109 - You can try it 7 times before
"Practicing joystick skills by computer is a lot safer than
experimenting with a power chair! This disk starts at a very early
motor and cognitive level, and progresses thru 9 activities of
increasing challenge. We know of no other program that trains joystick
skills like this one.
This is also the best early mouse training program we have seen. Start
as early as 2 years old!"
You may find this site useful too:
Mouse Training Sites (and Windows and Internet Basics)
I hope one of these programs is suitable.
Best regards,
Search terms used:
"mouse aerobics"
mouse training skills
program OR software mouse training skills
"mouse training software"
"mouse skills" software pc
"mouse training program" |