An estimated 27 to 30 million Americans attend high school reunions in
a year.
"Every year, some 27 million Americans gathers to reconnect with their
classmates at more than 150,000 reunions, according to Reunion
Research in San Francisco."
source: Sun-Sentinel: Business capitalizes on popularity of reunions
"This year the National Association of Reunion Planners estimates that
nearly 30 million of us will defy distance, age and pinched wallets
and go home again to high school. Between Easter and Thanksgiving
there will be 25,000 high school reunions"
source: eLibrary document preview
Oddly, while these two sources provide very similar estimates of total
high school reunion attendees (27 million & 'nearly 30 million'), they
also cite wildly different estimates of the total number of reunions
(25,000 vs 150,000). I don't have a good explanation for this
discrepancy, so I chose not to post this information as an answer to
your other question.
However, if you feel that the information adequately answers your
other question as well, let me know.
search strategy:
"million americans", "high school reunion", "high school reunions"
Thanks. |