Hello donkan-ga,
An interesting question!
Looking solely to uses or affirmations of the word "imminent" or
"immediate", here are three potential quotes, one by Donald Rumsfeld
and two by Ari Fliescher. The one by Donald Rumsfeld seems
particularly strong.
"August 08, 2003: Fred Barnes, the WSJ, and the "imminent" myth"
[Note: the link for the May 7 briefing does not work; the correct link
is on the Pejmanesque page]
"Comments: Another Embarrassment of Riches" (Posted by Pejman
Yousefzadeh at October 3, 2003 08:36 PM) [about 1/7 of the way down
the page]
You should be able to get more good quotes from the following three
collections and analyses of administration statements. For example, I
think that this statement (found in the first link) qualifies: "Saddam
Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our
people, and to all free people.... I will not leave the American
people at the mercy of the Iraqi dictator and his weapons."
"Weapons of Mass Delusion" (June 30, 2003)
The New American
"His imminence" (June 18, 2003)
The Road to Surfdom
"The Bush Administration and WMD: What did they know and when did they
know it?"
Dean for America
[Note: In the last document, you can find relevant quotes by searching
for words like "threat".]
Of course, you will want to confirm the accuracy of the quotes before
submitting them. In general, you can do this by searching for short
excerpts from the quote (nine words or less, to fit within Google
search limits) in conjunction with the term site.gov. For example:
'Searched the web for "Saddam Hussein and his weapons" "leave the
american people" site:gov'
- justaskscott-ga
Search strategy:
I searched on Google for the phrases:
"immediate threat"
"imminent threat"
Then I searched for excerpts from the quotes I found. |