Thanks for your question. One of the drawbacks of the rules feature
in OE6 is that there always seems to be that one rule that we need
that just can't be done. In researching your question, I came across
several sources of information stating that "Forward as Attachment"
can only be done manually, not via a Rule:
"Only way I know to preserve the headers is to right click the message
and select "Forward as attachment" which is not available using
rules" outlookexpress
"> Really Problem:How to forward a spam to the report abuse
> account with message rules & header in the forwarding
> email with Outlook express 6?
You can't. To report abuse you need to include the full headers of the
message. OE's message rules are only capable of forwarding the message
body with the main headers, not all headers. The only way to forward
those is to use Message|Forward as Attachment. Otherwise you have to
view the source of the message (Ctrl-F3, or
right-click|Properties|Details|Message Source, copy/paste into your
abuse report. But there is no way to do that automatically with a
message rule."
There may be, as you are aware, third party add ins that will
accomplish this task, but it seems that is not an option you are
looking for.
Thanks again for your question and if you need any additional
clarification, please let me know.
Search Strategy:
"Outlook Express" rule "forward as attachment" |