I need the code for a asp submission form that submits multiple input
fields at one time. The webpage I would need to have listing a from a
query that lists their name,address, and email address, (40 or more
results from a
MSaccess database) next to this I would need a drop down box(yes,no or
maybe) and a text field for comments. Is this possible in asp to
generate those fields automatically? |
Request for Question Clarification by
25 Oct 2003 01:12 PDT
Hello, swykpsiz:
Yes, it's possible by iterating through the table fields and
generate an input field depending on the file type and size, are you
looking for a code to do that?
Clarification of Question by
25 Oct 2003 12:00 PDT
Yes I need the asp code that would do this: The name,address, and
email address, would come from a query named qryuserinfo. The query
may be 12 users one time and 30 users the next. At the end of user
line of information I need a drop down menu and a text box next to
that for each users. And to have all the information from all the
users listed to be submitted to the database. I been able to submit
indivdual users on a simple form but not multiple users at once.
Request for Question Clarification by
25 Oct 2003 12:54 PDT
Hello, swykpisz:
By the question price I will try to find ready-made scripts that do
something similar to what you want. If you are looking for a
custom-made script, it would be recommended to raise up the price.
Clarification of Question by
25 Oct 2003 14:02 PDT
Yes, I need a custom made script(asp code) for this and have doubled
the price to help accomplsh this. If you could also find resources for
this subject that would be great. I appreciate all your effort with
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Oct 2003 00:09 PST
Hello, swykpisz:
Unfortunately $20 it's not enough for me to develop such custom
software, but could be enough for another researchers, so you can do
the following:
-Wait for another researcher to answer this question
-Close this question and open a new one, so other researchers get
noticed about it, so you can have more opportunities to get an answer
If you are still interested, I can post some links to ready-made
scripts that could be the base for such software.
Clarification of Question by
27 Oct 2003 04:59 PST
I understand the amount but have no idea how much is needed so I've
raised it to $50.00. If this is not enough than please inform me. I
have little knowledge of asp.