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US Book publishing last 50 years...
Category: Reference, Education and News > Current Events Asked by: oldfox33-ga List Price: $25.00 |
25 Oct 2003 13:50 PDT
Expires: 24 Nov 2003 12:50 PST Question ID: 269669 |
I need to produce a list of sitting White House Cabinet officers who wrote the Foreward, Preface, Introduction or other frontmatter to a book published during the Cabinet officer's term. The Vice President is a Cabinet Officer and I know that Gore wrote a book in office, but I need to find all the recent (last 50 years) instances where a sitting cabinet officer contributed to a book in this way and the title of the book. I will pay $25 for a good (verifiable) list of at least six, $50 for a comprehensive list of them all since LBJ. I cannot figure out how to search this question. | |
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Re: US Book publishing last 50 years...
Answered By: pafalafa-ga on 28 Oct 2003 19:22 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hello oldfox33, I wasn't going to tackle this question until probonopublico posted a comment about it being impossible...and so the gaunlet was tossed. I did manage to find a list of half a dozen books or so which I've posted below...I'm sure there are many more, but as several commenters noted, it's not easy digging these things out. If anything here is unclear, or requires elaboration, just let me know by posting a Request for Clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further. pafalafa-ga ================== The list I found is: The Business of E-Commerce by Paul May, Foreword by William M. Daley Secretary of Commerce Cambridge University Press February 2000, ------------------------ Enriching the curriculum through service learning Kinsley, Carol W., and Kate McPherson Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1995 Foreword by U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley --------------------------- Aging and competition: rebuilding the U.S workforce James A. Auerbach, Joyce C. Welsh, editors with an introduction by Robert B. Reich. National Planning Association, 1994. -------------------------- WILD SANCTUARIES: OUR NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGES - A HERITAGE RESTORED Murphy, Robert Foreword by Udall, Stewart L., Secretary of the Interior). E.P. Dutton 1968 -------------------------- School Choice 2003: How States are Providing Greater Opportunity Through Education by Krista Kafer Foreword by Rod Paige, U.S. Secretary of Education The Heritage Foundation, 2003 --------------------------- Converging Infrastructures: Intelligent Transportation Systems and the National Information Infrastructure, Lewis M. Branscomb and James Keller, eds., Foreword by Frederico Pena, U.S. Secretary of Transportation MIT Press 1996 ---------------------------- SILENT SPRING by Rachel Carson Introduction by Vice President Al Gore Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1994 ----------------- Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival? by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers Foreword by Vice President Al Gore Dutton, 1996 ------------------ Critical Issues in Early Second Language Learning: Building for Our Children's Future. M. Met, Ed. Foreword by Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright. Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley, 1998 ------------------ [Does this one count...? Intro by a sitting President] Assuring freedom to the free; a century of emancipation in the USA Rose, Arnold M Introduction by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Wayne State University Press, Detroit. 1964 ========================= And here are a few oldies that I thought might be of interest as well: GLOBAL WAR: AN ATLAS OF WORLD STRATEGY by EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER and MARTHE RAJCHMAN Introduction by FRANK KNOX Secretary of the Navy WILLIAM MORROW AND COMPANY : 1942 ------------------ THE NAVY'S WAR By FLETCHER PRATT Foreword by Frank Knox SECRETARY OF THE NAVY Harper & Brothers, 1944 --------------------- The Foreign Service of the United States BY TRACY HOLLINGSWORTH LAY Foreword BY CHARLES EVANS HUGHES (Secretary of State) PRENTICE-HALL, INC. 1925 ===================== My search strategy consisted of searches at Google along with other specialty databases such as Lexis-Nexis for any of the following phrases: "introduction by secretary" "foreword by secretary" and then substituting secretary with: sec. US Secretary vice president honorable the honorable hon. I am very intrigued by the new search capabilities at Amazon.com, but didn't find a way to put them to use in this particular quest. Hope you eventually wind up with the comprehensive list you are seeking...best of luck in your project. pafalafa-ga |
rated this answer:![]() This is an outstanding response because he or she not only caught a nice batch of fish for me that I could not find, but he or she told me and taught me how to catch these fish for myself in future. This is the best of reference work. Beautifully and completly presented and revealing an enthusiasm and curiosity about the process and the tools. Thank you. |
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Re: US Book publishing last 50 years...
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Oct 2003 01:51 PDT |
The Researchers are pretty amazing but I think that this will be impossible. |
Re: US Book publishing last 50 years...
From: oldfox33-ga on 26 Oct 2003 20:58 PST |
I'm not so sure. I think a fairly good list of cabinet officers with their years of office can be gleaned from Presidential Library sites. OCLC data does not seem to offer Prefatory material, unless someone can correct me, but Amazon is now offering "text inside" searches and that might produce a result depending on how far back Amazon is loading their "text inside" content. I think it is more likely some person will remember an example than this being susceptible to a machine readable search. It certainly is a stumper however. |
Re: US Book publishing last 50 years...
From: probonopublico-ga on 28 Oct 2003 22:12 PST |
Hi, Pafalafa I'm pleased that you proved me wrong. Well done! Bryan |
Re: US Book publishing last 50 years...
From: pafalafa-ga on 29 Oct 2003 05:01 PST |
Thanks so much for the kind words and generous tip. And have fun "fishing". pafalafa-ga |
Re: US Book publishing last 50 years...
From: knowledge_seeker-ga on 29 Oct 2003 06:36 PST |
Hey, nice job paf! Oldfox, I may as well give you what I found, and my search strategy which was different from Pafs. Maybe between the 2 youll get yourself a full set of cabinet members. I started here: List of Cabinet Members http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0101184.html What I intended to do was start with the most recent and work my way back and, at least to start, stick to the more well-known figures. But first I just grabbed a random sampling to see what was out there. My results, below, are a bit of a mess and I havent cross-checked with what Paf gave you. Im just tossing it onto the table for you to review. Search terms looked like this: SEARCH: introduction by Edwin Meese SEARCH: preface by Edwin Meese SEARCH: forward by Edwin Meese Remember to search with and without middle initials. Do not include 3rd, Jr, General, etc. No need to. Also, if you include the words -- site:www.addall.com --- in your search, you will get all the results from the Addall book site where you can then click on the persons name and find everything attributed to that author. For example search: site:www.addall.com "by al gore" ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=site:www%2Eaddall%2Ecom+%22by+al+gore%22 You can eliminate all of the author references by including the term preface or whichever. site:www.addall.com "preface by al gore" ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=site%3Awww.addall.com+%22preface+by+al+gore%22 So, heres what I came up with in my prelim search ----- =================== Edwin Meese III 1985-1988 Story J. A Familiar Exposition of The Constitution of the United States, 1840. Reprinted by Regency Books, Lake Bluff, IL, 1986, pp. 68-70. Forward by Edwin Meese III, p. 12 http://www.haciendapub.com/albright2.html ================== James A. Baker 1985-1988 No returns ================== Alexander M. Haig, Jr 1981 4 returns, none within correct time span ==================== Al Gore "forward by al gore" 1993? Internet Companion: A Beginner's Guide to Global Networking is probably the first Internet book ever to be aimed specifically at computer illiterates and technophobes. It explains electronic mail, news readers, FTP file access, and "netiquette" in terms that even a sixth-grade Valley Girl can easily understand. The book is published in a handy pocket-sized quick-reference format and includes a forward by Al Gore http://www.ercb.com/ddj/1993/ddj.9304.html 14. Preventing Crime and Promoting Responsibility: 50 Programs That Help Communities Help Their Youth ISBN: 0788186302 - Paperback - List Price: $20.00 Publisher: Diane Pub Co - Published Date: 11/01/1995 - Paperback Foreward By: Al Gore http://www.addall.com/Browse/Author/2011395-1 more here site:www.addall.com "by al gore" ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=site:www%2Eaddall%2Ecom+%22by+al+gore%22 ========================= Warren M. Christopher Nothing ================================ Janet Reno, 1993 2000 Heritage Resources Law: Protecting the Archeological and Cultural Environment by National Trust for Historic Preservation; Anthony Antonellis, Sloan & Walsh, Boston Univ. Law School, and Suffolk Univ. Law School, Boston, Massachusetts; and David Tarler, National Parks Service. Forward by Janet Reno 0-471-25158-5 10/98 328 pp cl $95.00 http://www.leabooks.com/Professional%20Books/Arts%20&%20Humanities/Art-Architecture/Arch--Wiley-98-99.htm preface by Janet Reno 1. Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement ISBN: 075670944X - Paperback - List Price: $25.00 Publisher: Diane Pub Co - Published Date: 04/01/2001 - Paperback Contributor*: Janet Reno 2. Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement ISBN: 0756709431 - Paperback - List Price: $20.00 Publisher: Diane Pub Co - Published Date: 12/01/1999 - Paperback Contributor*: Janet Reno 3. Ishmael Alone Survived ISBN: 0838751717 - Hardcover - List Price: $32.50 Publisher: Associated Univ Pr - Published Date: 12/01/1990 - Hardcover Author: Janet Reno 4. Postconviction DNA Testing: Recommendations for Handling Requests ISBN: 0788188836 - Paperback - List Price: $25.00 Publisher: Diane Pub Co - Published Date: 06/01/1999 - Paperback Editor: Ronald Reinstein Foreward By: Janet Reno 5. Promising Strategies to Reduce Gun Violence ISBN: 078818203X - Paperback - List Price: $40.00 Publisher: Diane Pub Co - Published Date: 08/01/1999 - Paperback Editor: Shay Bilchik Foreward By: Janet Reno Janet Reno - Addall http://www.addall.com/Browse/Author/2451942-1 *where Addall says contributor that means, preface. ================= Colin L. Powell 2001 - 2003 1. George Washington, First in War ISBN: 0931917336 - Paperback - List Price: $9.95 Publisher: Univ of Virginia Pr - Published Date: 08/01/2002 - Paperback Author: Dave R. Palmer Foreward By: Colin L. Powell 2. Golden Thirteen: Recollections of the First Black Naval Officers ISBN: 1591148405 - Paperback - List Price: $18.95 Publisher: Naval Inst Pr - Published Date: 05/01/2003 - Paperback Editor: Paul Stillwell Foreward By: Colin L. Powell http://www.addall.com/Browse/Author/2216063-1 This is a paper cover book or booklet "Joint Warfare of the US Armed Forces", published by the National Defense University Press and dated 1991. With preface by Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. http://www.wordmax.com/w4610.htm ========================= John Ashcroft **outside of dates Results in Education: 1988 by Author: National Governors Association Staff Binding: Paperback Publisher: Council of Governors Policy Published Date: 08/01/1988 List Price: USD $12.50 ISBN: 1558770135 National Governors Association Staff Introduction by: John Ashcroft. http://www.addall.com/Browse/Author/2670155-1 ==================== Tommy G. Thompson, 2001 2003 *** outside of dates List Price: $18.95 Publisher: Wiley, John and Sons, Incorporated - Published Date: 04/01/1994 Author: Roger E. Axtell Foreword by: Tommy G. Thompson. ... ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=+site%3Awww.addall.com+addall+%22by+Tommy+G.+Thompson%22 ======================= Paul H. O'Neill, 20012002 None ===================== John Snow, 2003 None ====================== Donald H. Rumsfeld, 2001 ***outside of dates War Powers The President, the Congress, and the Question of War By Donald L. Westerfield Foreword by Donald H. Rumsfeld Praeger Publishers. Westport, Conn. 1996. 272 pages LC 95-43774. ISBN 0-275-94701-7. C4701 $73.95 Available (Status Information Updated 10/27/2003) http://info.greenwood.com/books/0275947/0275947017.html ==================== Gale A. Norton, 2001 None ================= Ann M. Veneman, 2001 None =================== Donald L. Evans, 2001 None ================= So anyway, that was to be my approach. As I said, arduous, but comprehensive. Hope it helps! --K~ |
Re: US Book publishing last 50 years...
From: probonopublico-ga on 29 Oct 2003 08:34 PST |
Wow, Old Fox TWO answers ... You are indeed an Old Fox. An example to us all! |
Re: US Book publishing last 50 years...
From: oldfox33-ga on 29 Oct 2003 22:23 PST |
Thank you. This was a great experience for me. Thank you both for so much great work and great search strategies. I am sorry, I had to pick just one. Great strategies and I hope we interact again, folks. |
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