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Q: gray codes ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: gray codes
Category: Science > Math
Asked by: gw-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 25 Oct 2003 21:08 PDT
Expires: 24 Nov 2003 20:08 PST
Question ID: 269739
There are multiple "gray code" schemes.  The most popular can be
generated with a function such as:

function IntToGray(const Value: Cardinal): Cardinal;
  Result := Value xor (Value shr 1);

And undone with:

function GrayToInt(const Value: Cardinal): Cardinal;
  Result := Value;

  Result := Result xor (Result shr 1);
  Result := Result xor (Result shr 2);
  Result := Result xor (Result shr 4);
  Result := Result xor (Result shr 8);
  Result := Result xor (Result shr 16);

With this scheme, if one were to encode all integers sequentially, one
would find that bit 0 (the least significant bit) toggles 1/2 the
time, bit 1 toggles 1/4 the time, bit 2 toggles 1/8 the time, etc.

I am curious if there exists such a scheme in which each bit toggles
with equal probability.  I realize this probably requires hard-coding
the word size (number of bits) into the generating function.  If
possible, provide an algorithm for either the general case or for
8-bit words.  A reverse algorithm would also be appreciated.

Request for Question Clarification by mathtalk-ga on 25 Oct 2003 22:22 PDT
Hi, gw-ga:

It is trivial, but what about the "encoding" in which every bit
toggles with 100% probability?  Or, of course, with zero.

If you want a scheme in which all bits "toggle" with 50% probability,
assuming of course a fixed word size, then I can post such a scheme as
an answer.

regards, mathtalk-ga

Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 25 Oct 2003 23:12 PDT
I don't think I phrased my question as best I could.

Forget probabilities for a moment.  Is there an N-bit gray encoding
scheme such that each bit changes state a total of (2^N)/N times as
the input value varies from 0 to (2^N)-1, for arbitrary N or N = 8? 
Keeping in mind that only one of the N bits may change state between
any two consecutive input values, to meet the definition of a gray

Request for Question Clarification by mathtalk-ga on 26 Oct 2003 08:51 PST
Likewise my "clarification request" fails to have much clarity, but it
elicited from you the important observation that N must divide 2^N,
which restricts interest to the cases with N a power of 2.

As I'm sure you've noticed for yourself, for N = 1,2 the required
property (equal numbers of changes in each bit location) can be easily
(unavoidably!) satisfied.  The next case of interest N = 4 (a
Hamiltonian cycle on a tesseract) seems nontrivial.  I can see a
search method that would quickly (modulo a bit of programming)
determine whether or not such a "Gray code" is possible, involving a
search space of roughly 5^8 = 390,625 paths, many of which can be
pruned out.

I'm not sure whether a negative result for N = 4 would have much
predictive value for N = 8.  Perhaps the extra room in higher
dimensions increases the likelihood of success, but my initial
intuition is that the balancing of bit changes will prove impossible
for N > 2.  It's an interesting question, and I'd love to be proven

regards, mathtalk-ga

Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 29 Oct 2003 05:40 PST
Alternatively, I wonder if there is an algorithm to generate a
sequence that minimizes the total number of bit changes, yet each bit
changes *approximately* equally often, with sometimes more than one
bit changing between consecutive entries in the sequence.

Request for Question Clarification by mathtalk-ga on 30 Oct 2003 06:39 PST
Hi, gw-ga:

I finished my programming for the 4-bit case last night, and to my
amazement such a Gray code really does exist!  Here's one solution
(asterisks mark the beginning and wrap-around ending at 0000):

0000*  CHG
0001    1
0011    2
0010    1
0110    3
0111    1
1111    4
1011    3
1001    2
1101    3
0101    4
0100    1
1100    4
1110    2
1010    3
1000    2
0000*   4

in which the bit changes are equally distributed among the positions.

Given the vastly expanded number of possibilities for 8 bits, I have
to change my mind and conjecture that these codes will exist for all
power-of-2 number of bit cases.

If you like I can (as an Answer) outline the algorithm I used to
search for a 4-bit solution and make some estimates of the complexity
of searching for an 8-bit solution using the same approach.

regards, mathtalk-ga

Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 30 Oct 2003 11:14 PST
It is very neat that you found a 4-bit example.  My intuition agrees
with yours that a example for 8 bits must also exist.  While a
brute-force search algorithm isn't what I'd hoped for, I will accept
it as an answer as I don't have a practical application for this
knowledge just yet, but I do have some ideas; I posted this question
more out of curiosity than need.  When the time comes I could always
use a lookup table in lieu of a generating function.  I appreciate
your enthusiasm for the question and I will leave a tip for you.

Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 30 Oct 2003 11:26 PST
Actually, it would seem trivial to create an 8-bit sequence based off
your existing 4-bit sequence.  The upper 4 bits could increment to the
next 4-bit pattern every 16 elements, and the sequence of the lower
nibble would simply reverse every 16 elements.

entry #16 would be 0001 1000
entry #17 would be 0001 1010
entry #18 would be 0001 1110
entry #30 would be 0001 0001
entry #31 would be 0001 0000
entry #32 would be 0011 0000


Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 30 Oct 2003 11:42 PST
function Encode(const X: Byte): Byte;
  Table: array[0..15] of Byte = (
    $0, $1, $3, $2,
    $6, $7, $F, $B,
    $9, $D, $5, $4,
    $C, $E, $A, $8);
  UpperNibble: Byte;
  LowerNibble: Byte;
  LowerNibble := X and $F;
  UpperNibble := X shr 4;

  Result := Table[UpperNibble] shl 4;

  if (Odd(UpperNibble)) then
    Result := Result + (Table[15 - LowerNibble])
    Result := Result + Table[LowerNibble];

0:  00000000
1:  00000001
2:  00000011
3:  00000010
4:  00000110
5:  00000111
6:  00001111
7:  00001011
8:  00001001
9:  00001101
10:  00000101
11:  00000100
12:  00001100
13:  00001110
14:  00001010
15:  00001000
16:  00011000
17:  00011010
18:  00011110
19:  00011100
20:  00010100
21:  00010101
22:  00011101
23:  00011001
24:  00011011
25:  00011111
26:  00010111
27:  00010110
28:  00010010
29:  00010011
30:  00010001
31:  00010000
32:  00110000
33:  00110001
34:  00110011
35:  00110010
36:  00110110
37:  00110111
38:  00111111
39:  00111011
40:  00111001
41:  00111101
42:  00110101
43:  00110100
44:  00111100
45:  00111110
46:  00111010
47:  00111000
48:  00101000
49:  00101010
50:  00101110
51:  00101100
52:  00100100
53:  00100101
54:  00101101
55:  00101001
56:  00101011
57:  00101111
58:  00100111
59:  00100110
60:  00100010
61:  00100011
62:  00100001
63:  00100000
64:  01100000
65:  01100001
66:  01100011
67:  01100010
68:  01100110
69:  01100111
70:  01101111
71:  01101011
72:  01101001
73:  01101101
74:  01100101
75:  01100100
76:  01101100
77:  01101110
78:  01101010
79:  01101000
80:  01111000
81:  01111010
82:  01111110
83:  01111100
84:  01110100
85:  01110101
86:  01111101
87:  01111001
88:  01111011
89:  01111111
90:  01110111
91:  01110110
92:  01110010
93:  01110011
94:  01110001
95:  01110000
96:  11110000
97:  11110001
98:  11110011
99:  11110010
100:  11110110
101:  11110111
102:  11111111
103:  11111011
104:  11111001
105:  11111101
106:  11110101
107:  11110100
108:  11111100
109:  11111110
110:  11111010
111:  11111000
112:  10111000
113:  10111010
114:  10111110
115:  10111100
116:  10110100
117:  10110101
118:  10111101
119:  10111001
120:  10111011
121:  10111111
122:  10110111
123:  10110110
124:  10110010
125:  10110011
126:  10110001
127:  10110000
128:  10010000
129:  10010001
130:  10010011
131:  10010010
132:  10010110
133:  10010111
134:  10011111
135:  10011011
136:  10011001
137:  10011101
138:  10010101
139:  10010100
140:  10011100
141:  10011110
142:  10011010
143:  10011000
144:  11011000
145:  11011010
146:  11011110
147:  11011100
148:  11010100
149:  11010101
150:  11011101
151:  11011001
152:  11011011
153:  11011111
154:  11010111
155:  11010110
156:  11010010
157:  11010011
158:  11010001
159:  11010000
160:  01010000
161:  01010001
162:  01010011
163:  01010010
164:  01010110
165:  01010111
166:  01011111
167:  01011011
168:  01011001
169:  01011101
170:  01010101
171:  01010100
172:  01011100
173:  01011110
174:  01011010
175:  01011000
176:  01001000
177:  01001010
178:  01001110
179:  01001100
180:  01000100
181:  01000101
182:  01001101
183:  01001001
184:  01001011
185:  01001111
186:  01000111
187:  01000110
188:  01000010
189:  01000011
190:  01000001
191:  01000000
192:  11000000
193:  11000001
194:  11000011
195:  11000010
196:  11000110
197:  11000111
198:  11001111
199:  11001011
200:  11001001
201:  11001101
202:  11000101
203:  11000100
204:  11001100
205:  11001110
206:  11001010
207:  11001000
208:  11101000
209:  11101010
210:  11101110
211:  11101100
212:  11100100
213:  11100101
214:  11101101
215:  11101001
216:  11101011
217:  11101111
218:  11100111
219:  11100110
220:  11100010
221:  11100011
222:  11100001
223:  11100000
224:  10100000
225:  10100001
226:  10100011
227:  10100010
228:  10100110
229:  10100111
230:  10101111
231:  10101011
232:  10101001
233:  10101101
234:  10100101
235:  10100100
236:  10101100
237:  10101110
238:  10101010
239:  10101000
240:  10001000
241:  10001010
242:  10001110
243:  10001100
244:  10000100
245:  10000101
246:  10001101
247:  10001001
248:  10001011
249:  10001111
250:  10000111
251:  10000110
252:  10000010
253:  10000011
254:  10000001
255:  10000000
256:  00000000

Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 30 Oct 2003 12:08 PST
A slightly more elegant 4-bit sequence would be the following.

bit 0 toggles every 2nd entry starting with 1
bit 1 toggles every 4th entry starting with 2
bit 2 toggles every 8th entry starting with 4
bit 3 toggles every 16th entry starting with 8

1: 0000
2: 0001
3: 0011
4: 0010
5: 0110
6: 0111
7: 0101
8: 0100
9: 1100
10: 1101
11: 1111
12: 1110
13: 1010
14: 1011
15: 1001
16: 1000

Thanks so much for your help and inspiration. :)  I consider this question answered.

Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 30 Oct 2003 12:09 PST
Unfortunately it seems I can't rate the answer and leave a tip until
you post a comment as the final answer.

Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 30 Oct 2003 12:18 PST
I feel like an idiot now, I completely forgot about the bit balancing.
 My solutions don't work in that regard. :>

Clarification of Question by gw-ga on 31 Oct 2003 19:47 PST
I worked out an algorithm to search for gray code sequences that meet
my criteria.  It seems that if one enforces the first code to be 0000
and the second code to be 0001, then there are 96 four-bit gray code
sequences with bit balancing.  My program finds them in about one
second on a 2GHz machine.  Changing a constant in the program adapts
it to search for an 8-bit solution, however it will probably take a
considerably long time to finish.
Subject: Re: gray codes
Answered By: mathtalk-ga on 31 Oct 2003 20:37 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi, gw-ga:

The 96 solutions you found agree with the ones my programs found.

My original program enforced a narrower range of solutions, namely
that not only is the lowest order bit set first, as in your solutions,
but in fact the order in which bits are first toggled agrees with the
order of the bit locations (1 bit first, 2 bit before 4 bit, 8 bit
last).  With this restriction there are only 16 solutions.  The 96
seen in your programs output correspond to the 3! = 6 times as many
solutions obtained by permuting the high order three bits (uniformly,
among all codes).

Here is a short Prolog program that can compute all 96 of the 4 bit

distCodeBits(16,_,_,_,_,M,M) :- !.

distCodeBits(J,L0,L1,L2,L3,M,P) :-
	not(L0 = [_,_,_,_|_]),
	I is J + 1,

distCodeBits(J,L0,L1,L2,L3,M,P) :-
	not(L1 = [_,_,_,_|_]),
	I is J + 1,

distCodeBits(J,L0,L1,L2,L3,M,P) :-
	not(L2 = [_,_,_,_|_]),
	I is J + 1,

distCodeBits(J,L0,L1,L2,L3,M,P) :-
	not(L3 = [_,_,_,_|_]),
	I is J + 1,

changeBit(B,[H|T],[Hb,H|T]) :-
	Hb is H xor B,

given the "goal" of satisfying:


The idea is that the first argument "counts" up to 16, and at each
step before the last, a new "bit change" is alotted to one of the four
bit positions.  These allocations are "remembered" in the lists held
in the next four arguments, while the resulting codes are added
sequentially to the list in the next to last argument.  When the final
count 16 is reached, the final argument gets bound to the same list
represented in the next to last argument, and we're done.  Prolog has
a mechanism called "backtracking" which allows it to find all the
solutions with no additional programming.

My first program's approach to searching for solutions was an attempt
to cut down on the size of the search space by focusing on the limited
possibilities for the bits in the least significant position.  It then
proceeded basically to determine all the bits in the 2's position, the
4's position, the 8's position.

However when I began to think about scaling up to the 8 bit case, the
number of possibilities for all bits in the least significant position
expands by roughly nine orders of magnitude, from 25 possibilities in
the 4 bit case (for just the first bits!) to what I suspect turns out
to be:

121 * 121 * 61 * 61 * 21 * 21 = 24,025,310,001

possibilities for the first column of bits.

Cutting down the total size of the search space is not necessarily the
immediate concern in trying to find solutions quickly.  More important
is usually the introduction of constraint checks early in the search
which tend to knock out large swaths of "search space" that would
eventually turn out to be untenable.

In this respect I found, after exercising "ingenuity" in the first
version of my program, that there was a natural advantage to the
structure of a "brute force" program, partly realized in the version
shown above, in being able to do those "knockout" checks earlier on in
the search.

The "ingenuity" of my first approach finds its way into the framework
of the "brute force" approach in what I hope will turn out to be a
nice way to tackle the 8 bit approach.  I'll post an update this
weekend when I get some computational results.

regards, mathtalk-ga

Request for Answer Clarification by gw-ga on 06 Nov 2003 09:42 PST
Here's an interesting reference for this problem:

You can ignore this clarification request, I just wanted to add a
comment, Google doesn't display an 'add comment' button for me since
I'm the one who posted the question.

Clarification of Answer by mathtalk-ga on 07 Nov 2003 07:16 PST
Thanks, gw-ga, for the very interesting reference.  I'll try to scoot
into the local university library this weekend to look up the paper
they cite from Congressus Numerantium, where apparently a general
solution for n = power of 2 is given.  I'll post what I find as a

I must admit I've found the 8-bit computation daunting.  I
misestimated the number of possibilities for the first "column"
arrangements by many orders of magnitude.  Assuming the 0,1 start as
previously, there are:


possibilities (such that there are no consecutive changes in that same
column and a total of 128 bits of each parity), and this is roughly

Hopefully those other authors have discovered a more algebraic way of
tackling these designs.

gw-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $5.00

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