Who within Australia objected to the court, and who was in support of
the court's creation?
Objected to the court:
"JOHN ANDERSON National Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister
BRONWYN BISHOP former minister
A range of backbenchers... including Victorian MP Sophie Panopoulos."
In support of the court:
"ALEXANDER DOWNER Foreign Affairs Minister
DARYL WILLIAMS Attorney General
AMANDA VANSTONE Family and Community Services Minister
JULIE BISHOP Joint Standing Committee on Treaties chair
icc-info / International Criminal Court-Information
hosted by Yahoo Groups
Reasons/arguments as to why the court should not be created and
Arguments why the court should not be created:
(1) It would corrode Australia's judicial independence. Australians
should not be subject to trial before a non-Australian judge and
(2) Australian military personnel could find themselves hauled before
this court.
(3) If the UN Security Council can't stop the dictators and butchers
of this world, how would this court have the power to enforce its
(4) Australia would be surrendering some of its sovereignty to this
(5) It'll be even harder to get rid of dictators and butchers of the
world because it will no longer be possible to give them amnesty from
prosecution as an inducement to step down.
(6) The International Criminal Court will go after countries that are
internationally unpopular, starting with Israel, the U.S., and
possibly Australia if it finds itself on the "unpopular" side of some
international conflict.
Arguments why the court should be created:
(1) International Criminal Court will be an extremely important tool
for ending some of the worst atrocities that people are committing
against each other around the world.
(2) The law does not affect sovereignty. Australia will still be able
to conduct its own trials if Australians are subject to accusations.
(3) Australia was one of the key supporters of the court when it was
proposed in Rome in 1998. To withdraw support after initially backing
the idea would cause Australia to lose credibility.
(4) The only people who should fear the International Criminal Court
are the people who commit war crimes, crimes against humanity and acts
of genocide. If you're not doing any of those things, you've got
nothing to worry about. If you are doing those things, you SHOULD be
sources (and additional arguments for & against):
ICC debate, hosted by ABC:
"Liberals split over support for International Criminal Court," hosted
by ABC:
"Battle hots up over ICC," hosted by ABC:
"Minister supports crime court," hosted by The Age:
" The International Criminal Court – the latest showdown"
"Treaties Committee recommends Australia support International
Criminal Court"
[These last two documents are in PDF format, so the Adobe Acrobat
Reader is required. If you don't have that, please visit Adobe's web
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html ]
One country that was all for the court's creation.
Germany was all for the court's creation.
"Germany's Viewpoint on the ICC," hosted by Germany-info.org:
07/07/2002, Agence France-Presse," cached by Google Groups:
search strategy:
"international criminal court", sovereignty, site:au
"international criminal court", "bronwyn bishop", site:au
icc, "international criminal court" genocide, site:au
"favor of", supports "international criminal court"
"international criminal court", germany, joschka fischer
I hope this helps. |
Request for Answer Clarification by
03 Nov 2003 22:22 PST
This part here, is this form a particular website or is this im ur own words??????
Arguments why the court should not be created:
(1) It would corrode Australia's judicial independence. Australians
should not be subject to trial before a non-Australian judge and
(2) Australian military personnel could find themselves hauled before
this court.
(3) If the UN Security Council can't stop the dictators and butchers
of this world, how would this court have the power to enforce its
(4) Australia would be surrendering some of its sovereignty to this
(5) It'll be even harder to get rid of dictators and butchers of the
world because it will no longer be possible to give them amnesty from
prosecution as an inducement to step down.
(6) The International Criminal Court will go after countries that are
internationally unpopular, starting with Israel, the U.S., and
possibly Australia if it finds itself on the "unpopular" side of some
international conflict.
Arguments why the court should be created:
(1) International Criminal Court will be an extremely important tool
for ending some of the worst atrocities that people are committing
against each other around the world.
(2) The law does not affect sovereignty. Australia will still be able
to conduct its own trials if Australians are subject to accusations.
(3) Australia was one of the key supporters of the court when it was
proposed in Rome in 1998. To withdraw support after initially backing
the idea would cause Australia to lose credibility.
(4) The only people who should fear the International Criminal Court
are the people who commit war crimes, crimes against humanity and acts
of genocide. If you're not doing any of those things, you've got
nothing to worry about. If you are doing those things, you SHOULD be