Hello ladokhamachiknemuji-ga,
My personal opinion is that the trade of human organs should not be
legal, because then rich people will be permitted to exploit poor
people's bodies, and because the monetary incentive is likely to warp
people's judgment about the medical risks.
However, there are certainly differing views on this issue, and I feel
that I should provide you with a resource on both sides of the debate.
The following page contains a nice set of links to arguments for and
against organ selling, as well as related information. You can browse
some of these links, and then decide for yourself, based on your
ethical, economic, social, and political views.
"Policy Debate: Should there be a market for human organs?
South-Western [Thomson Learning]
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"pro and con" "human organs"
debate "human organs" |