Hello cadelac,
If you search for the phrase "false and libelous" on Amazon.com,
you'll see that the answer is Jerry Brown. "I think it is false and
libelous, but I'm flattered by the attention" appears as a quote in
"Flashbacks: Twenty-Five Years of Doonesbury", by Garry B. Trudeau
(1995), which was the fifth result on Amazon when I searched for that
'All 18 results for "false and libelous"'
If you are registered with Amazon, you can click on the link and see
the quote above a photo of Jerry Brown. Unfortunately, the particular
comic in which he said that is not on that page or the previous page,
even though the comics on those page involve Jerry Brown. But at
least you have the answer from a good source -- a Doonesbury book.
- justaskscott |