Greetings Bigjosh:
Unfortunately, there is no way to purchase tickets to SNL tapings from
the NBC studios. The tickets are given away, not sold.
On the NBC site, at there
is this information:
"Saturday Night Live
To be entered into the ticket lottery for the 2003-2004 season, send
an email to in the month of August only. Lottery
winners will receive two tickets for a random show date to either the
dress rehearsal or live show. Only one email may be submitted per
person, and all audience members must be at least 16 years of age.
Please note that you will only be contacted in the event that you are
"For stand-by tickets: Arrive no later than 7:00am on the morning of
the taping under the "NBC Studios" marquee on the 50th St. side of 30
Rockefeller Plaza. You may choose a stand-by ticket for either the
8:00pm dress rehearsal or the 11:30pm live show. Only one ticket will
be issued per person. Please note that a stand-by ticket does not
guarantee admission."
However, at the top of that page is this information:
"Tickets are no longer available by mail for NBC shows taped in New
York. All NBC ticket information (for NY) is detailed on our ticket
line (212) 664-3056."
You may want to register at Ebay and then use their mail alert in case
someone obtained tickets and then wanted to sell them. Good luck in
your quest and I wish I could have been of greater assistance.
Perhaps another Researcher will have additional information to answer
your question.
Best regards,
"saturday night live" tickets |