On the CBS web site, there's a summary of tonight's 60 Minutes segment
on movie downloading:
The web sites cited on the show apparently were:
(1) Kazaa
From CBSnews.com:
""Stahl asked him to show her Kazaa, the biggest downloading Web site
out there. “Kazaa is the largest peer-to-peer network,” says Saaf.
It's called peer-to-peer because computer users are sharing files
with each other, with no middleman. All Kazaa does is provide the
software to make that sharing possible. When 60 Minutes went online
with Saaf, nearly four million other Kazaa users were there with us,
sharing every kind of digital file. "
(2) Grokster
From CBSnews.com:
"60 Minutes downloaded Grokster’s software for free and asked Rosso
questions about his network. "
(3) Movielink
From CBSnews.com:
"Fox and the other studios have just launched their own site,
Movielink, where consumers can download a film for a modest fee,
between three and five dollars."
search strategy:
I hope this helps. If anything is unclear, please use the "request
clarification" feature to let me know. I'm in the Pacific Time Zone,
so "60 Minutes" will air in about an hour here. If any other sites
are featured that weren't mentioned on the CBS News web site, I will
add them to my answer. |