Hello Beth1983:
I found the answer by doing the search on google: "Don givanni" and
"text" and I clicked on the second listing, "The Aria Database,"
Database search results. I assume that this is a website that you can
locate whatever information you need regarding arias. It looks like a
really useful site!
When I clicked, there was a listing for every aria and recitative in
Don Giovanni, so I just scrolled down until I hit Act II Scene 5,
which had the following information listed:
"Troppo mi...Non mi dir" - No. 23, Recitative and Aria
from Act II, Scene V of the Italian opera, Don Giovanni by Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart.
Libretto : Lorenzo da Ponte
The role is Dona Anna, who is a noble woman
Voice Part : soprano Fach : dramatic coloratura
Setting : A room in the palace of Donna Anna
Range : E4 to A#/Bb6. Tessitura : G4 to A6
Donna Anna, who is still strongly affected by her father's death, asks
that Don Ottavio cease talking about marriage until she has had time
to get over this tragedy. She still loves him, she says, but would
like him to be patient.
You can find a sound file (complete) as a MIDI file and zip format
sequenced by Bill King.
It can be located in translated form through: Translation by Camila
Argolo Freitas Batista.
Recordings : Complete Opera Excerpts from Opera
Where to Find It : Score of opera and aria alone - Classical Vocal
Reprints, 1-800-298-7474. Catalog number for aria : #1908, for score :
#50098 (Ricordi). Buy vocal score online at Sheet Music Plus.
I hope that this is what you are looking for. If not, I am fluent in
Italian, and can start searching on Italian search sites, because they
are notoriously better at opera information--obviously--than American
Let me know. Post a request for answer clarification, if you need it.
I'll be on the lookout!!
Hope that this is what you needed!
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