Hello leander1-ga,
I searched for "Flügelbahnhof" on English web pages, and found the
following translations:
"The Ludwig Maximilian University in Brief" [near end of section on
"Travel In and Around Munich", about 7/8 of the way down the page]
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"station annex"
"How to get to our Louisenthal/Tegernsee plant"
Giesecke & Devrient GmbH
Both "wing" and "station annex" seem appropriate. In German-language
articles on the planned Flügelbahnhof Sihlpost, that is how the word
is used: it will be a wing or an annex of the Hauptbahnof. See, for
"Dass Fahrgäste, die im Flügelbahnhof Sihlpost mit der S-Bahn
ankommen, einige hundert Meter in den HB gehen müssen, um dort in
Fernzüge umzusteigen ...."
(The passenger who arrives on the subway at the Flügelbahnhof Sihlpost
must go a few hundred meters to the HB [Hauptbahnof] in order to
change to a long-distance train ....)
"Notbremse und neu planen", by C. Peider Filli (Tages-Anzeiger,
28.08.99, Seite: 29) [about 2/5 of the way down the page]
Peider Filli
If I were to choose one word, I would say "annex".
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
flügelbahnhof [clicked "search for English results only"]
"flügelbahnhof sihlpost" |