Hello beth1013-ga,
I have indeed found Rose Estes, and she has graciously provided me
with more information than I could have hoped for.
I had contacted Nature's Menu in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, figuring that
the Rose Estes who founded that company might be the same one who
wrote books published in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
"Company History"
Nature's Menu
And indeed, she is that person. Here is her biography, which she
stated I should feel free to share:
DOB: September 21, 1940
Graduated San Jacinto High School, Houston, Texas, 1958
University of Chicago, 1959-1960, St. Thomas University, 1960-1966,
BA/English, BS/Biology, History minor. Post Graduate Studies: Rice
University, Houston, Texas.
1958-1960: Research and writing The Chicago Tribune, Encyclopedia Britannica.
1960-1968: General reporting, The Houston Press, The Houston
Chronicle, The Houston Post, specializing in research and
investigative journalism, city desk night editor.
1968-1970: Associate Editor/Speech Writer of the Humble Way, (Standard Oil of N.J.)
1973-1977: Journalist, Lake Geneva Regional News, and The Janesville
Gazette, (WI) Ja
1978-1982: TSR Hobbies, Inc.(creators of Dungeons and Dragons)
Established book division. Wrote nine multiple choice Endless Quest
fantasy books for young adults (ages 9-14), six of which were on the
Barnes and Noble best sellers list for three months, all at the same
time, and several titles for as long as six months. These books have
been translated into 28 languages and have sold over 16 million
copies. Six titles were written for the GreyHawk series, many of which
reached the New York Times Best Seller list.
1982: Freelance, Western Publishing (Little Golden Books) Racine, WI.,
wrote numerous Burger King children?s adventure books, My Pretty Pony,
He Man and Barbie story books.
1982: Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Feature,
taken from another medium (book), "The House That Said "No!"."
1982-1986: Written under contract to Random House: "Indiana Jones and
the Lost Treasure of Sheba," an unreleased juvenile prequel to the
Hobbit, and four other young adult titles: "The Turkish Tattoo," "The
Trail of Death," "Children of the Dragon," and, "The Three
Investigators and the Case of the Dancing Dinosaur."
1986-1989: Written under contract to Bantam Books, a young adults
prequel series to support Jean Auel's "Clan of the Cave Bear"
prehistory series, three titles in the Saga of the Lost Lands: "Blood
of the Tiger," "Brother to the Lion" and "Spirit of the Hawk."
1989-1991: Writing simultaneously for Warner Books: "The Hunter," "The
Hunter on Arena" and "Hunter Victorious," Baen Books: "Skryling?s
Blade," and "The Stone of Time," in the Rune Sword series, as well
as"ElfWood," and "The Iron Dragons," and for Berkley/Putnam:
"Trolltaken," and "Trollquest."
1982-1995: Guest speaker and workshop leader in numerous "Author"
programs in schools across the country.
1991- present: While recovering from a car accident, Ms. Estes renewed
her deep interest in genetics/animal nutrition and established
Nature's Menu, a natural pet food company, based in Wisconsin, which
is sold and distributed nationwide.
2000-2002: Wrote descriptive copy of antique Chinese furniture, and
fine art objects for Chinese gallery owners.
2003: A large, personal collection of vintage photographs of dogs and
their people evolves into a greeting card company, The Woof Gang."
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"rose estes"
"rose estes" wisconsin
"rose estes" "lake geneva"
[I tried other searches as well, but the searches I have listed were
the most successful.] |