Greetings Researchers & Readers:
_About These Questions_
It has been far too long since we've posted on this wonderful service!
We've got a new series of questions related to the newest version
(4.0) of our web site, and really hope you guys can help us out.
Hopefully these questions/tasks will be fun! Oh, and no fair
answering identical questions ? feel free to answer different, but not
the same!
_About The Project _ is a website dedicated to playing, creating, and
sharing Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style games. The people behind (us) created the site as a hobby and to have a fun
learning experience. Because of this, we have no real budget or
anything like that, which is directly reflected in the questions'
$-to-time ratios. But, we hope to make up it for fun. The current
live website has some more information if you're interested.
_About The New Version _
Being never satisfied, we've decided to complete redo the entire
website - from giving it a slightly cleaner interface to using an
industrial strength 3-tier ASP.NET web application (in our humble
opinion). Currently, we're in the Alpha stages, which we define as
having enough functionality to determine if the design/interface will
work. Expect broken links and errors, but don't worry about reporting
them unless we specifically request in the Question.
_And Finally, The Questions_
For this question, we'd like you to tell us what you think of the new
Game-Playing web page. To do this, you'll need to play a few games.
Ugh, such a challenge, we know. You don't have to beat the games
(although, it may be personally rewarding, giving you a nice warm
feeling of accomplishment if you do).
Some games utilize inventory items -- it is important that you check
out a game with this. It's also important that you see how it works
on the current site too. We've provided links to games that utilize
inventory items.
How does the game play experience differ from the current game player
to the new? Do you find the separate game window (styled much
differently) helpful? What do you think of the way Inventory is
handled in the Current vs. New? What do you think of putting the "Back
Button" in the drop down menu? Do you use the Back function often?
Did you encounter any ugly server errors (this portion should
be mostly error free)?
? so we just asked a whole bunch of questions, but we're just trying
to explain what we're thinking. You don't have to explicitly answer
each question, but try to have your response answer what we're
generally asking.
Current Site:
Alpha Site:
Wal-Mart Game (Current):
Wal-Mart Game (Alpha):
Finals Week (Current):
Finals Week (Alpha):
The Black Hand (Current):
The Black Hand (Alpha):
Note: Black hand written by GA's own easterangel-ga! (Question #105275)
Please accept our apologies for the novella of a question. But,
understand that we want to be as concise as possible, and explain
exactly what we're looking for, and try to make sense of why we're
asking such atypical questions. Also, we really appreciate your help.
Everyone on this site has been very helpful in the past, so thanks in
The Team |