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Q: Plumbing Marketing/Advertising Companies ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Plumbing Marketing/Advertising Companies
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Asked by: floguard-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 07 Nov 2003 17:10 PST
Expires: 07 Dec 2003 17:10 PST
Question ID: 273708
Who are the marketing companies and/or advertising agencies for
plumbing product related companies like Delta Faucet, Watts, Plumb
Pak, Fluidmaster, Duracraft Plastics, Water Ace, Brass Craft, etc.?

Request for Question Clarification by umiat-ga on 08 Nov 2003 00:05 PST
Hello, floguard!

 I have found the advertising agency for Delta Faucet. Since they are
in a very competitive business against other companies like American
Standard and Koehler, they are more likely to advertise aggressively.
 The other companies seem, from my search, to promote their products
with "in-house" marketing and advertising. I have found little in the
way of an aggressive marketing campaign for any of the them since
their products are geared more toward contractors than consumers.
 Since you mentioned "etc" after your list of companies, do you have
any other companies you would like me to investigate that may have
more of a reason to advertise in a fairly aggressive manner and would
likely hire an outside agency to promote their products?
 Meanwhile, I will continue to see if I can come up with anything for the others. 


Request for Question Clarification by umiat-ga on 08 Nov 2003 10:46 PST

 Please clarify exactly what you are seeking. Are you actually asking
about trade journals and online sites like BuildersOnline and
Remodeling Buyers Guide that list plumbing product companies? Are you
asking about private advertising agencies for the companies you have
listed? Are you asking about companies that are marketing reps for
certain plumbing suppliers?
 Are you wondering where most of these types of companies would be
listed, online or offline?
 Any clarification you can provide will help in supplying a targeted answer!


Clarification of Question by floguard-ga on 08 Nov 2003 14:28 PST
That makes sense for Delta and, you're probably right on the money in
terms of the other companies given their size and resources.  This is
exactly what I'm trying to find out.  If you can verfy that these
other companies have internalized martg/advtsg, then that's perfect
and we're all set here!
Subject: Re: Plumbing Marketing/Advertising Companies
Answered By: umiat-ga on 08 Nov 2003 22:39 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello, floguard!

 You have asked a question about a diverse range of products within a
specific industry. The plumbing supply market encompasses products
that consumers like to view and select to match their tastes as well
as products like valves and fittings that consumers rarely see or care
about. Companies which manufacture the types of designer components
that consumers are most involved in selecting, like faucets and sinks,
will often advertise in the mainstream media because of intense

 The less "attractive" essential gadgets that comprise plumbing
installation are primarily of interest only to contractors and supply
stores and are most often advertised through trade publications,
building or design magazines, trade shows, print product brochures and
visits from manufacturers reps. Products like valve fittings or pumps
are rarely advertised on television or radio.

 There are certainly plenty of companies in the plumbing supply
business that could afford expensive marketing campaigns if they
desired. Money is not necessarily the issue. Television and radio are
simply not the most efficient marketing avenue for many of these
companies. Why advertise to the general consumer when there is no
interest in the product?

 Many of the plumbing supply companies spend their advertising dollars
on less expensive methods of reaching their target audience like print
brochures, in-store advertising displays and advertisements in
magazines geared toward the industry. They either contract advertising
design out to individual companies of their choice, or have their own
designers in-house. Which companies have in-house advertising is hard
to determine without contacting the hundreds of individual companies
in the plumbing supply business.

 I searched the companies you listed in your question and found only
two that actually mentioned contracts with outside design or
advertising firms. Delta Faucets, a division of Masco Corporation, is
currently funding an expensive advertising campaign on television and
radio aimed at getting an edge on it's competitors.

 In a much less expensive advertising move, Water Ace, a division of
Pentair Pump, hired Detro & Underwood to design and print a catalog of
their line of water pumps for Lowe's Hardware Stores.



Cambell-Ewald has been Delta's advertising/marketing partner since 1990.

"The Delta Faucet Company is a world leader in the manufacturing and
marketing of faucets, and Campbell-Ewald has been its marketing
partner since 1990. By using the Campbell-Ewald Fusion ProcessSM,
Delta has emerged as a leading choice. The agency is presently
developing a new integrated marketing campaign to further solidify
Delta's leadership position." (Click on "Clients")

* Delta's recent marketing campaign can be attributed to
Cambell-Ewald's ingenuity in bringing the company to the forefront in
consumer's minds.

See the following excerpts from:

"Delta Faucet campaign aims to polish image", by Jim Kirk. The Chicago
Tribune. (9/9/2003),0,614834.column?coll=chi-business-hed

"If it's been difficult to discern the difference between plumbing
fixtures, there's a reason for it. Much of the advertising has been
the same, showing pretty equipment doing a lot of the same things:
spouting water, shutting off water or, in some cases, doing nothing
with water at all. In other words, that's a lot of money going down
the drain to look and sound like everyone else."

"Indianapolis-based Delta Faucet is aiming to break out of the pack
with a big fall advertising push that tries to bring a human touch to
something that has very personal uses. In a sign that remodeling and
home building are still propping up what little of the economy that
shows signs of strength, Delta on Monday launched a $7 million
advertising campaign to freshen its 2-year-old "Beautifully
Engineered" campaign."

"Delta, a division of Masco Corp., controls roughly 25 percent of the
plumbing fixture category."

"The work is the latest salvo fired in what has become one of the most
competitive marketing battlegrounds, pitting Masco against Kohler and
a handful of other players. The fight has intensified as the
remodeling and new-housing markets have boomed over the past few

"The work is the latest salvo fired in what has become one of the most
competitive marketing battlegrounds, pitting Masco against Kohler and
a handful of other players. The fight has intensified as the
remodeling and new-housing markets have boomed over the past few

"Much of the advertising has been geared toward women, who continue to
play a major role in the decision-making process when it comes to
remodeling and construction projects."

"The move from what has been advertising focusing on the engineering
aspects of the equipment to more of a fanciful lifestyle campaign is a
timely change in direction, according to Delta executives."

"Two years ago, we did a whole new evolution of the Delta brand
describing how our faucets are beautifully engineered," said Kristen
Burkman, director of advertising and brand marketing. That laid a
great foundation. Now we're evolving the platform of the
functionality, showing how they will make your day-to-day tasks

"In one spot from Warren, Mich.-based agency Campbell-Ewald, a
precocious little girl in a rain slicker is making an indoor rain
shower with the company's "waterfall pull-out" kitchen faucet. Other
everyday scenes--such as kids frolicking in a bathtub, or someone
cleaning vegetables with another gadget--are also mainstays of the new

"The $7 million expenditure marks the most Delta has spent in a single
season. The campaign runs through December on NBC, ABC and CBS, as
well as several cable outlets. A magazine campaign also is included in
the mix."

Delta's Marketing Organization (as of 2000)


"Leading the marketing department is Ray A. Kennedy, recently named
vice president, marketing, Delta Faucet Company. Reporting to Kennedy
are Ken Martin, director of brand marketing; Rick Dossey, director of
market research; Charlie McTargett, director of product development;
Butch Walker, director of product management; and Fred Barendt,
director of marketing services."


Although not on your list, Moen is another big competitor in the
plumbing fixtures industry. They have utilized the services of
Chicago-based Cramer-Krasselt to design an advertising campaign.
Cramer-Krasselt's clients can be viewed at
See the following excerpt:

Water Animation Redefines Plumbing Category Advertising". Press

"Moen Incorporated, the number one brand of faucets in North America,
is launching a groundbreaking new television and print ad campaign.
And unlike traditional plumbing products advertising, the new Moen
spots feature water as their ?star?. In fact, the campaign highlights
Moen's ability to control water, which signals the emotional benefits
of relaxation, rejuvenation and even peace of mind."

'By better delivering and controlling water, the new campaign shows
Moen products making water work for the consumer," said Maureen
Wenmoth, Moen Vice President, Marketing Services. "Our consumer
research and campaign testing told us these spots appealed to the
senses. It made consumers want to experience the water, to be
refreshed by it, and the resulting message was far more than just
another ad for faucets."

(Read more...) 



Brass Craft

Companies like Brass Craft appear to have internal marketing
departments that are responsible for promoting the products in a less
expensive manner than television or radio advertising. While they
probably contract out their brochure designs, each company likely uses
their own preferred graphics design vendor.

A brochure design for shower heads may be seen at .

 As you can see on page 7 of the brochure, the company relies heavily
on "Dynamic Merchandising Displays."

 (I could see no mention of a graphic design company on the brochure,
so I have no indication whether it was designed within the company or
contracted to a design firm)


A 2003 Press Release highlights the newest members of the internal marketing team:

Read "Brass Craft Announces Personnel Changes in Support of New
Company Focus." Press Release. (6/25/2003)


Water Ace is only one product in a wide range of products produced by
Pentair Pump Group.

Detro & Underwood is the firm responsible for creating the product
literature advertising for Water Ace pumps.

See "Full line catalog of Water Ace brand pumps for use in Lowes stores."   


Pentair's online homepage was designed by "Professional Services Marketing":

"Planned and managed the development of home pages for Pentair....." 


Both of these companies are divisions of Keeney Manufacturing Company.

I could find no outside advertising campaign mentioned. 


The Company apparently received a 2002 Excellence in Marketing Award
from the Marketing Group, but a search for the award, the marketing
campaign or the specific "Marketing Group" turned up nothing.


The company uses the marketing firm of Cotton and Kurz.

 "Cotton & Kurz is a full-service marketing communications agency
geared to meet the marketing needs of successful building products and
home improvement companies."

 I could find no information about what the Fluidmaster marketing program entails. 

(You will notice that Kirkhill Plumbing and Interbath Shower Products
also use this marketing company)


From a 1998 article titled "A home run market" by Paul Miller. Catalog
Age (Nov 1, 1998) 

"More selective prospecting Portland, OR-based A-Ball Plumbing Supply
also goes after home-building companies-but by targeting the end user.
Kent Frutiger, president of the $1 million-plus cataloger of high-end
sinks, toilets, and other bathroom components, says half of A-Ball's
customers are actually the future homeowners."

"A-Ball mails 10,000 books a year to building firms and another 10,000
to consumers, many of whose names it captured via its Website. A-Ball
has spent three years building up its Website, which includes a
complete catalog from which users can order via fax."

"To target construction firms, the company also attends regional and
national trade shows such as the Oregon Home Builders Association."


I could find no information on their site about advertising or marketing strategy.


Most all major plumbing supply manufacturers advertise in the
following online and offline publications:

Plumbing and Heating Contractor News

"Plumbing & Heating Contractor News is the plumbing and heating
contractor's definitive source for product information and
applications, with a focus on improving job performance and business
operations. Published quarterly in its first year and six times in
2001, Plumbing & Heating Contractor News is distributed to more than
44,000 mechanical and plumbing contractors in the plumbing, hydronic
heating and piping markets."

"Classified advertising in Plumbing & Heating Contractor News can be a
cost-effective way to find new employees; buy or sell equipment,
materials and services; announce your Web presence or new catalog; and
a variety of other opportunities."

The Wholesaler

"The Wholesaler is the leading source of news, trends, developments
and management how-to for wholesalers and distributors in the
plumbing, heating, air conditioning and industrial piping marketplace
and the preferred advertising vehicle for reaching purchasing
decisionmakers in those businesses."

"The Wholesaler's superior circulation puts your advertising message
in the hands of the most wholesalers/distributors in the industry.
Click here for more circulation information."

"Advertising in The Wholesaler continues to grow. Again in 2001, for
the third straight year, The Wholesaler's share of market has
increased significantly, to an impressive 63%. Click here for

Plumbing Engineer

"The authoritative source of professional and technical information
for those involved in the design and specification of plumbing

Plumbing and Mechanical Online

SupplyHouseTimes Online

 Manufacturers Listings,5365,,00.html

Construction Industry Directory

eBuild - "A complete plumbing fixtures Web directory

 See listing for Brass Craft

"Where the Industry Meets"

Remodeling Magazine 
(see the August 2003 Buyers Guide - "Every Product You Need, All in One Place

Remodeling Magazine Online 

 By Product

 By Manufacturer 

Journal of Light Construction

Journal of Light Construction Online

Trade Shows

Brass Craft will be there!

2004 International Builders Show
January 19-22, 2004

AHR Expo
January 26-28, 2004
Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA
Booth #3312
Rep attending: Dale Myers, Richard Babb, Alejandro Miranda 


 I hope this information has helped to answer your question. My
husband is a building contractor and we live half our lives in product
showrooms and supply stores. We have also built several houses for
ourselves so our home is loaded with building magazines and trade
publications. In fact, I checked the latest Remodeling Buyers Guide
last night to make sure most of the companies you mentioned in your
question were advertised.

 When it comes to sink fixtures, I am often in the showroom looking at
displays. However, I don't think I have EVER looked at a brochure or
display for valves, pumps or tubing!!! I leave that up to our plumber
every time :)



Google Search Strategy
Marketing OR advertising "delta faucet"
"Water Ace" marketing
"Water Ace" AND advertising OR marketing
"pentair" AND advertising campaign
Pentair ad campaigns
plumbing fixtures industry
remodeling magazine
Marketing OR advertising AND plumbing supplies
"watts water technologies" advertising 
Marketing Communications AND plumbing supplies
floguard-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Well done and most appreciated!

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