Dear Syrith,
The meaning of the word "serf" is soul, since these people were
"souls" counted for tax and estate purposes by the Czarist regime.
There are several estimates to this number, as demography was not a
highly developed science those days and these estimations are partly
based on projections on the past from our current knowledge on
As you said, one of the most significant of Alexander the Great's
reforms, was the emancipation of serfs. By the time of the
emancipation, the serfs amounted (according to this site: 45%
of the population, and in numbers: 52 millions.
Acording to the book "An Economic History of Russia", by James Mavor
(p.418), (qouted at this site -,
the unfree population of Russia in the mid 18th century amounted to
7/9 (78%) and the number reduced throuout the years. 40% of these
serfs were owned by the government. In 1859 it is estimated as 54% of
the population.
Other Sources: - the emancipation of
anazon link to Mavor book:
My search terms:
number serfs russia
I hope that helped. Feel free to contact me with any other questions. |