The article appeared in the August 11, 2003 issue of "Time" (Vol. 162 No. 6).
Here is an excerpt from the online version of the magazine:
"Edward T. McAvoy, production designer of the 1999 film Office Space,
was pondering ways to accessorize that film's geeky character Milton
and latched onto a stapler. He wondered, What could I do as a designer
to make this stapler special so as to justify Milton's need to possess
it and the bosses' need to covet it? He decided to make it fire-engine
red. 'I called Swingline and said, 'Do you make a red stapler?' and
they said no,' McAvoy recalls. 'And I said, 'Well, do you mind if I
use your logo on the side of a stapler I'm going to paint red?' They
didn't mind at all.' McAvoy took four Swingline staplers to a local
auto-body shop and told the workers he wanted them 'perfectly painted,
just like you'd paint a car.' He later added a computer-rendered logo.
Once the film was released, buyers began asking for the red stapler.
But Swingline didn't make it. 'We concluded we really needed to put a
red stapler on the market,' says Bruce Neapole, Swingline's president.
He says Swingline continues to sell thousands each month of what it
calls the Rio Red Stapler."
Time Online Edition: Cue the Stapler!,9171,1101030811-472856,00.html
To buy a copy of this issue (which will enable you to obtain the photo
of "Milton" which appeared with the article), contact Time's back
issue department at 1-800-843-8463.
Google Web Search: "red" + "swingline" + "time magazine"
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Best wishes,
pinkfreud |