Hi mojo111,
Good question, and alittle tricky to boot! Maverick cattle are
unbranded and therefore, if you leave your piece of paper blank, you
will be correct.
The Round-Up:
"The branding is usually done during a round-up when every calf found
is caught and branded in the brand of its mother. If a calf remains
unbranded until after it is weaned and quits its mother, it becomes a
maverick and is liable to be lost to its owner."
The Word Detective: Maverick:
"The very first "maverick" was a 19th century Texas cattleman named
Samuel Maverick who became famous for not branding his cattle. His
cattle, left unidentified and free to roam, were often "adopted" by
other ranchers who termed them "mavericks," and by the end of the
century "maverick" had come to mean any sort of rootless wanderer or
The Maverick:
"The term "maverick" means an adult animal that is not branded. This
word was derived back in the 1840s when a Texas cattle rancher named
Sam Maverick "refused to brand his herd." His cattle roamed about the
range without a brand, and he soon discovered that the neighboring
ranches claimed the cattle as their own.
Ranchers were quick to brand their cattle for fear of losing them
should they stray from the herd. Rustlers were particularly adept at
altering a brand to cover up their rustling."
Mavericks are unbranded cattle:
I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please post a
clarification request before rating my answer.
Thank you,
Google Search Terms Used:
maverick cattle brand
maverick steers brand
"maverick steer"
"maverick steer" brand
"maverick ranch" brand |