Hello sean1234-ga,
I tried a search on Google for:
advertising california site:edu
One school rose to the top:
The Art Institute of California - San Diego
[alternate URL: http://www.aicasd.artinstitutes.edu/ ]
This school was formerly called La Jolla Academy of Advertising Arts
(LJAAA) and The Advertising Arts College (TAAC), which suggests that
advertising is a primary focus.
"About Us - History"
The Art Institute of California - San Diego
The advertising program is described here:
"Advertising - Bachelor of Science"
The Art Institute of California - San Diego
The school offers placement assistance to graduates.
The Art Institute of California - San Diego
The school has a "Graduate Hall of Fame", indicating the kinds of
careers that are possible after graduation.
"Graduate Hall of Fame"
The Art Institute of California - San Diego
Another school, with a weird (or brilliant, depending on how you look
at it) web site, is the Art Center College of Design, located in
Pasadena. (It is possible that the oddness of the site prevents it
from receiving the same high ranking on Google as The Art Institute of
California - San Diego.)
Art Center College of Design
You can read about its advertising program by clicking on the image on
the initial page, and then clicking on the pop-up: Contents >
[Undergrad. Courses] Advertising > [Image] > [Right Arrow]. You might
also be interested in: Contents > [Alumni/Careers] Career Services.
If you click on the half-moon symbol at the bottom right corner, you
can learn about the night-school version of the school, with
advertising courses at its Pasadena campus. (Navigate on the
night-school screen to: courses > pasadena > advertising and graphic.)
You can find out more about this college at:
"Art Center College of Design"
California Postsecondary Education Commission
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
advertising california site:edu
college advertising site:ca.gov |