I am looking to set up a wireless internet in my home. I am fairly
computer literate and know some about how to set-up a wireless
internet system, but am looking for some additional information and
recommendations. I currently access the internet with a cable modem.
I have a D-Link DCM-200 cable modem (connects thru USB port) and a
Sony VAIO FXA series laptop. It has a 1.2 GHz Athlon 4 processor, 30
gig hard drive, and 512 MB of RAM. Windows XP is my operating system,
and I use Zone Alarm Pro as my firewall.
I would like recommendations of the equipment I need to set up a
wirless network. The equipment needs to be reliable and of good
quality, but still reasonable priced. Specifically, please address:
1) The components needed, their price, and basic features that I should have.
2) Security (how to prevent people from hacking into my signal and computer)
3) The possibility of including my printer so I can print remotely
4) Any basic info about the pros and cons of setting up a wireless system.
If you need any other information about my system or other
clarafication, please let me know.
Thanks for the help!! |