Given the apparent resolution of your problem, I'll
re-post the information I gave you as an official
answer. It's not clear from your response whether
you ran a virus scan or installed and ran the
programs I recommended for rooting out malicious
spyware and adware, but I would strongly encourage
you to utilize these options, given the considerable
benefits to your system, and the fact that they are
all free options.
If the problem recurs, or if you have questions
about the programs I recommended, let me know.
APPA3A3 returns no results in a Google search. It seems safe
to assume that you can delete this file without loss of anything
of use. It's also possible that this file is part of a trojan or
spyware. If you are unable to delete it, due to its being in use,
try rebooting into safe mode and delete it that way. Once it's
gone, I'd strongly suggest running a virus scan on your entire
system. If you have no antivirus software, use a free online
service, such as:
Bit Defender:
Trend Micro:
You may also benefit by downloading and running the
following three programs which search out malicious adware,
spyware and BHOs, or Browser Helper Objects:
Spybot Search & Destroy:
You may also need to ascertain that the necessary Windows
file, shell32.dll, exists in its proper location in:
but if you cease getting the error popup, and everything
seems to be working, this may not be a problem.
Please do not rate this answer until you are satisfied that
the answer cannot be improved upon by means of a dialog
established through the "Request for Clarification" process.
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