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CBS, ABC national news reporters/journalists
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference Asked by: drinda-ga List Price: $25.00 |
14 Nov 2003 21:35 PST
Expires: 14 Dec 2003 21:35 PST Question ID: 276037 |
I'm looking for a list of reporters who have been with these networks for more than ten years. |
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Re: CBS, ABC national news reporters/journalists
Answered By: markj-ga on 15 Nov 2003 08:04 PST Rated: ![]() |
drinda -- Here are the lists you requested. They include network (i.e., national) reporters and correspondents employed by ABC News and CBS News for at least 10 years in that capacity. I have included after each name the year that his or her on-air career began at the network. The information is drawn from biographies published online by those news organizations, and the links to those sites are posted after each list: ABC News: Barbara Walters (1976) John Stossel (1981) Bob Brown (1980) Juju Chang (1987) Tom Jarriel (1968) Timothy Johnson (1975) John Quinones (1982) Bill Ritter (1993) Jay Schadler (1982) Lynn Scherr (1977) Chris Wallace (1989) Diane Sawyer (1989) Charles Gibson (1975) Ted Koppel (1963) Chris Bury (1982) John Donvan (1982) Dave Marash (1989) Michel Martin (1992) Peter Jennings (1964) Bill Blakesmore (1970) Ron Claiborne (1986) Richard Gizbert (1993) Jackie Judd (1987) Mike Lee (1980) Mark Likte (1979) John McKenzie (1980) John McWethy (1979) Judy Muller (1990) Ned Potter (1987) Bill Redeker (1988) Dean Reynolds (1984) Brian Roony (1988) Barry Serafin (1979) Sources: ABC News: Biographies: 20/20 http://abcnews.go.com/sections/2020/bio_index_primetime/bio_index_2020.html ABC News: Biographies: Primetime Thursday http://abcnews.go.com/sections/primetime/bio_index_primetime/bio_index_primetime.html ABC News: Biographies: Good Morning America http://abcnews.go.com/sections/GMA/bio_index_gma/bio_index_gma.html ABC News: Biographies: Nightline http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/nightline/Nightline_Bios/Bio_index_Nightline.html ABC News: Biographies: World News Tonight http://abcnews.go.com/sections/wnt/bio_index_wnt/bio_index_wnt.html ABC News: Biographies: World News Now http://abcnews.go.com/sections/WNN/bio_index_wnn/bio_index_wnn.html CBS News: Wyatt Andrews (1981) Sharyl Atkission (1993) John Blackstone (1980) Jerry Bowen (1977) Ed Bradley (1971) Rita Braver (1972) Harold Dow (1972) Tom Fenton (1970) Bill Geist (1987) Sandra Hughes (1993) Hattie Kauffman (1990) Mark Knoller (1988) Steve Kroft (1980) Bill Lagatutta (1992) Vicky Mabrey (1992) David Martin (1983) Anthony Mason (1986) Bob McNamara (1974) Russ Mitchell (1992) Erin Moriarty (1986) Charles Osgood (1971) Bob Orr (1993) Scott Pelley (1989) Barry Peterson (1978) Mark Phillips (1982) Randall Pinkston (1990) Allen Pizzy (1980) Bill Plante (1964) Dan Rather (1962) John Roberts (1992) Troy Roberts (1993) Andy Rooney (1978) Charlie Rose (1984) Richard Roth (1972) Morley Safer (1964) Bob Schieffer (1969) Richard Schlesinger (1984) Bob Simon (1967) Harry Smith (1986) Susan Spencer (1977) Leslie Stahl (1972) Jim Stewart (1990) Martha Teacher (1977) Peter Van Sant (1984) Mike Wallace (1961) Bill Whitaker (1984) Source: CBS News: Bios http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/10/17/utility/main525997.shtml Search Strategy: I first performed the following Google search and found the CBS News list on the first try: "cbs news" bios ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=%22cbs+news%22+bios A similar search using the terms "abc news" "bios" was unsuccessful, so I tried a different tack, as follows: abc "peter jennings" biographies ://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22abc%22+%22peter+jennings%22+biographies&btnG=Google+Search This search returned a link to the bio of "World News Tonight" correspondents. This led me to get the list of ABC News broadcasts from abcnews.com and try similar searches for the correspondents on each or those shows. These searches were successul. The remainder of the job, of course, consisted of reviewing each biography for the specific information sought. I am confident that this is exactly the information you are seeking. I have included all of the links to the complete bio lists so that you can easily get any other information that you may need about ABC and CBS news correspondents and reporters. If any of the above is unclear, please ask for clarification before rating this answer. markj-ga |
rated this answer:![]() Wow--thank you so much! Timely, efficient, and well explained. And I got some good insight into how to conduct better searches in the future. Thanks for the help! |
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Re: CBS, ABC national news reporters/journalists
From: bbulzibar-ga on 14 Nov 2003 23:08 PST |
Isn't $10 a little low for this? (just asking) |
Re: CBS, ABC national news reporters/journalists
From: drinda-ga on 15 Nov 2003 04:39 PST |
This is the first time I've posted a question, so I wasn't sure how much to post (even after reading all the "how-to's". Thanks for the heads up! |
Re: CBS, ABC national news reporters/journalists
From: markj-ga on 15 Nov 2003 18:20 PST |
drinda -- Thanks much for the kind words, the five star rating and the tip. markj-ga |
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