Hello omnitemm-ga,
I found some articles to help you decide for yourself as to whether
Boston or Silicon Valley is ahead in biotech and/or information
technology. The consensus seems to be that although Silicon Valley has
been battered by the recession more than Boston, Silicon Valley is
still number one.
I trust you find this information helpful. Best wishes for your projects.
~ czh ~
Joint Venture Silicon Valley -- Publications
Related Joint Venture Publications:
Silicon Valley Has Been an Innovation Leader in Key Areas
***** This is a chart comparing Austin, San Diego, Boston and Silicon
Valley for Percent of Patents Granted (1996 ? 2002), Percentage of
Venture Funding (2001) and Number of Professional Associations by
Region for Internet/Software, Biotech and Wireless.
Patents ? Biotech : Boston 29%, Silicon Valley 29%
Venture Funding ? Biotech: Boston 36%,. Silicon Valley 42%
Associations ? Biotech: Boston 1,164, Silicon Valley 1,682
***** The above chart is part of a 31-page paper that discusses
possible future developments in the convergence of Bio-tech, Info-tech
and Nano-tech.
Three Converging Revolutions, excerpted from Preparing for the Next
Silicon Valley: Opportunities and Choices (released June 2002)
February 11, 2002 -- City beckons biotech
The Bay Area has developed the largest concentration of
biotechnology-related industries in the world thanks to major research
institutions in the area such as Stanford University, UC San Francisco
and UC Berkeley.
Joseph Panetta, president of BioCom, a biotech trade association in
San Diego, says San Jose is poised to become another biotech center
because of its proximity to universities, venture capital and other
professionals in the biotech industry. San Diego has the
third-largest concentration of biotech firms in the country, after
DECEMBER 16, 2002 Venture Capital: After "the Perfect Storm"
Four leading VCs discuss the tempests of the tech downturn, and why,
despite the challenges, they're still believers
Q: Lastly, Silicon Valley has been hit hardest by the tech downturn.
Do you think the Valley will lead or lag the tech recovery?
Cox: I would say that Silicon Valley is still preeminent, and Boston
is No. 2. The downturn in some respects has made Silicon Valley more
attractive. I had a company that, three years ago, had a large
facility in San Jose, and the guys came to the board and said they had
to move out of town. They couldn't afford to renew their lease at $75
a square foot. We just rented it at $25 a square foot. So all of a
sudden, Silicon Valley is more attractive again.
***** This article is ranking Silicon Valley over Boston with
technology prospects ? not strictly biotech.
May 24, 2001 -- Local Economy: How does Maryland Compare?
Montgomery County is the nation's third-largest biotech community
behind Silicon Valley and Boston.
***** This is a slightly dated report showing Silicon Valley is bigger
than Boston in biotech.
01/19/2003 In this view, Hub in high-tech rut, Calif. in valley
It's a favorite parlor game in technology circles on both coasts:
Compare and contrast Boston and Silicon Valley.
Article: It's a favorite parlor game in technology circles on both
coasts: Compare and contrast Boston and Silicon Valley.
***** This article is about MBA job seekers and not specifically about
biotech but it shows a more upbeat picture for Boston.
Boston Silicon Valley biotech
compare biotech boston silicon valley |